興⼤四名教授榮獲國科會傑出研究獎 頂⼤僅次於台清成Four professors from National Chung Hsing University were honored with the Outstanding Research Award from the National Science Council, only behind National Taiwan University. 興⼤四名教授榮獲國科會傑出研究獎 頂⼤僅次於台清成Four professors from National Chung Hsing University were honored with the Outstanding Research Award from the National Science Council, only behind National Taiwan University.
中興湖清池 國內動員規模最⼤的⼈⼯湖環境⽣態教育The Cleaning Lake of Chung Hsing University: The largest domestic mobilized cleaning lake for environmental ecology education. 中興湖清池 國內動員規模最⼤的⼈⼯湖環境⽣態教育The Cleaning Lake of Chung Hsing University: The largest domestic mobilized cleaning lake for environmental ecology education.
中興大學入圍遠見「USR大學社會責任獎」 奠定地方學新里程碑National Chung Hsing University shortlisted for the 'USR University Social Responsibility Award' by CommonWealth Magazine, marking a new milestone in local academia. 中興大學入圍遠見「USR大學社會責任獎」 奠定地方學新里程碑National Chung Hsing University shortlisted for the 'USR University Social Responsibility Award' by CommonWealth Magazine, marking a new milestone in local academia.
興⼤USR園藝輔療團隊榮獲第11屆景觀⼤獎永續績效類優質獎The      NCHU (National Chung Hsing University) Horticultural Therapy Team was awarded the Excellent Award in the Sustainability Performance Category at the 11th Landscape Awards. 興⼤USR園藝輔療團隊榮獲第11屆景觀⼤獎永續績效類優質獎The NCHU (National Chung Hsing University) Horticultural Therapy Team was awarded the Excellent Award in the Sustainability Performance Category at the 11th Landscape Awards.
王升陽:打造產業鏈      尋找馥郁臺灣特有香氣:國產精油檢測中⼼穩健產業發展 Wang Sheng-yang: Building Supply Chains, Seeking Taiwan's Unique Fragrance: The Domestic Essential Oil Testing Center Steadily Promotes Industrial Development. 王升陽:打造產業鏈 尋找馥郁臺灣特有香氣:國產精油檢測中⼼穩健產業發展 Wang Sheng-yang: Building Supply Chains, Seeking Taiwan's Unique Fragrance: The Domestic Essential Oil Testing Center Steadily Promotes Industrial Development.
中研院、興⼤跨國研究揭乾旱影響森林⽣態系也衝擊半導體產業Academia       Sinica and National Chung Hsing University's Cross-National Research Reveals    Drought's Impact on Forest Ecosystems Also Affects the Semiconductor Industry. 中研院、興⼤跨國研究揭乾旱影響森林⽣態系也衝擊半導體產業Academia Sinica and National Chung Hsing University's Cross-National Research Reveals Drought's Impact on Forest Ecosystems Also Affects the Semiconductor Industry.
由中央研究院、國立中興大學、美國猶他州立大學所組成的跨領域研究團隊進行了「當森林屏息: 乾旱加劇是否會危害森林碳匯? (When Forests Hold Their Breath: Will Increasing Drought Further Disrupt Carbon Sequestration?)」的研究,成果刊登至國際頂級期刊《環境研究通訊》 (Environmental Research Letters)
⼟壤、森林都是「⾃然碳匯」!這是什麼?為何是碳權交易的明⽇之星?Soil and forests are both 'natural carbon sinks'! What are they? Why are they the rising stars of carbon trading?
興⼤、瑞思、翔棋簽署MOU 厚植台灣無⼈機產業NCHU, Raisecom, and Xiangqi Sign MOU to Cultivate Taiwan's UAV Industry.
東京⽇本⼤學師⽣體驗興⼤微型通識課程 台⽇交流在地農業Tokyo Japan University Faculty and Students Experience NCHU Micro General Education Courses: Taiwan-Japan Exchange in Local Agriculture.
興⼤研發⾃發電、可隨意變形、沒有拘束的觸碰⾯板 有望實現機器⼈⽪膚NCHU Develops Self-Powered, Shape-Shifting, Unrestricted Touch Panels, Paving the Way for Robot Skin.
機器人的應用範疇廣泛,搭配人工智慧,未來機器人將廣泛改變人類的生活。然而,目前科技只能實現機器人聽覺、視覺,卻無法實現機器人的觸覺能力。中興大學材料系教授賴盈至團隊發明自發電、沒有形狀束縛、可隨意變形的觸覺面板,可隨意按照應用需求而變形,有望實現機器人皮膚,更有助於人機介面、元宇宙互動面板、義肢皮膚等的實現,有極大的應用潛力。研究成果刊登於2月份國際頂尖期刊《自然通訊》(Nature Communications)。
攜⼿邁向淨零永續 推動本⼟碳權發展 中興⼤學與碳交所簽署「台灣⾃然碳匯推廣合作備忘錄」National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) and the Carbon Exchange signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the promotion of Taiwan's natural carbon offset, jointly advancing towards net-zero sustainability and promoting the development of local carbon credits.
為響應政府能源轉型政策,邁向 2050 淨零排放目標,推動台灣本土碳權發展,國立中興大學與臺灣碳權交易所2月23日攜手合作簽署「台灣自然碳匯推廣合作備忘錄」,由興大校長詹富智、臺灣碳權交易所董事長林修銘共同簽署,期望共同加速台灣淨零永續之發展。
林國榮論文出版成書《滇緬公路》推介會反應熱Lin Guorong's published his papers in a book, "The Burma Road," received enthusiastic feedback at its promotional event.
中興⼤學培⼒學⽣「玩」出ESG新趨勢 接軌未來業界累積軟實⼒NCHU Empowers Students to Explore New ESG Trends Through Play, Aligning with Future Industry and Accumulating Soft Skills.
為協助本校學生更深入了解並打開同學在環境永續、社會關懷、自我成長的視野與想像,為台灣培力更多未來的影響力世代!中興大學管理學院磐石產學研究中心2月18日及3月3日舉辦了2天的「玩出ESG DNA」培力工作坊,吸引本校臥虎藏龍的眾多科系學生共同參與
興⼤⾸場由學⽣⾃辦職涯探索活動:「興向圖計畫」帶領⼤學⽣看⾒未來的⾃⼰!NCHU's First Student- Organized Career Exploration Event: 'Vision Mapping Project' Guides University Students to See Themselves in the Future!
中興⼤學EMBA舉辦春酒暨第22屆學⽣會交接典禮NCHU EMBA Hosts Spring Banquet and the 22nd Student Union Handover Ceremony.
中部國立頂尖大學中興大學管理學院EMBA學生會2月24日舉辦第22屆會長及幹部交接春酒晚宴,本屆由金品調理(股)公司總經理簡輔均接任會長,管院系所主管與師長20多人及興大EMBA 111及112級學長姐,逾200人出席盛會,席開20桌,同賀新年及新任學生會幹部就職。
2024「萬事興龍」僑⽣新春聯歡活動,營造友善校園共好氛圍The 'Prosperous Dragon in All Matters' Lunar New Year Celebration Event of 2024, Creating a Friendly Campus Atmosphere for All Overseas Chinese Students.
113年度本校建教合作計畫與循環經濟研究學院研發計畫統計 Statistics of the school’s industry-academia collaboration projects and the research and development projects of the Academy of Circular Economy in 2024.
【研究計畫徵求訊息Call for Research Project Proposals】 校外單位徵求研究計畫之相關訊息External Organizations Soliciting Research Project Proposals Information
【轉知活動Forwarding Activity Notice】 中華企業倫理教育協進會於113年3⽉26⽇(⼆)舉辦台 達企業環境倫理研究獎助【第⼗~⼗⼆屆線上成果發表會】On March 26th, 113 (Tuesday), the Chinese Enterprise Ethics Education Promotion Association hosted the Delta Enterprise Environmental Ethics Research Award, aiding the 10th to 12th Online Results Presentation.
【補助申請Subsidy Application】 國科會⼈社中⼼「補助學術研究群暨經典研讀班」申 請案,受理申請2024年3⽉1⽇⾄3⽉31⽇⽌The National Science Council's Humanities and Social Sciences Center is accepting applications for the 'Academic Research Group and Classic Reading Class' grant from March 1st to March 31st, 2024.
【補助申請Subsidy Application】 國科會⼈社中⼼2024年「補助青年學者暨跨領域研究 學術輔導與諮詢」申請案, 受理申請2024年3⽉1⽇⾄3⽉31⽇ 止。The National Science Council's Center for Humanities and Social Sciences is accepting applications for the "Subsidy for Young Scholars and Cross-disciplinary Research Academic Guidance and Consultation" program for the year 2024. Applications are accepted from March 1st to March 31st, 2024.
【獎項申請Award Application】 國科會「2024年⾏政院傑出科技貢獻獎」選拔案,校 內截⽌⽇為2024年4⽉15⽇(⼀)下午5時前。The selection process for the '2024 Executive Yuan Outstanding Contributions to Science and Technology Award' by the National Science Council has an internal deadline of April 15, 2024, before 5:00 PM
【國內短訪Domestic Short Visit】 財團法⼈國家實驗研究院「113年度第⼆梯次客座教 授研究⼈員」受理申請,校內截⽌⽇113年4⽉22⽇(⼀)⽌。The National Applied Research Laboratories, Foundation of the Republic of China, is accepting applications for the "Second Batch of Visiting Professors and Research Personnel for the Year 113" program. The deadline for applications from within the university is April 22, 113 (Monday).
【計畫申請Project Application】 監察院國家⼈權委員會「113年青年⼈權教育培⼒推 廣計畫」,受理申請⾄2024年4⽉30⽇⽌,校內登記申請截⽌⽇ ,2024年4⽉15⽇前。The National Human Rights Commission of the Control Yuan is accepting applications for the "Youth Human Rights Education Empowerment and Promotion Project for the Year 113." Applications will be accepted until April 30, 2024. The deadline for registering applications within the university is before April 15, 2024.
【臺綜大獎勵案Taiwan Comprehensive University Incentive Scheme】 113年「年輕學者創新研發成果選拔」申請案(5/7 前)The selection process for the 'Young Scholars Innovative Research and Development Achievements' for the year 113 is open for applications until May 7th.
【獎助申請Grant Application】 「第14屆台達企業環境倫理研究獎助」教師國外研究 進修徵選計畫,校內截⽌⽇為2024年5⽉10⽇(五)下午5時前。 The 14th Delta Enterprise Environmental Ethics Research Grant for Teachers' Overseas Research and Training Selection Program has an internal deadline of May 10, 2024, before 5:00 PM.
【補助申請Subsidy Application】 國科會⼈社中⼼「補助國內學術研討會」申請案,全 年受理申請The Humanities and Social Sciences Center of the National Science Council is accepting applications for the 'Domestic Academic Conference Subsidy' program throughout the year.
【補助申請Subsidy Application】 國科會⼈社中⼼「補助跨領域研究計畫之前置規劃 案」,全年開放受理申請。The Humanities and Social Sciences Center of the National Science Council is open for applications for the 'Pre-planning of Interdisciplinary Research Project Subsidy' throughout the year.
【獎項申請Award Application】 財團法⼈東元科技文教基⾦會「第三⼗⼀屆東元獎」 推薦申請,校內截⽌⽇為2024年7⽉5⽇(五)下午5時前。The Tung-Yuan Foundation for Science and Education is accepting recommendations for applications for the "31st Tung-Yuan Award." The deadline for internal submissions within the university is July 5, 2024, before 5:00 PM.
【學倫講座Academic Ethics Lecture】 國立中興⼤學圖書館與研發處於113年4⽉23⽇(⼆) 共同舉辦「論文寫作字斟且句酌!掌握著作權與學術倫理之分際」 講座。 On April 23rd, 113 (Tuesday), the Library and Research and Development Office of National Chung Hsing University jointly held a seminar titled "Carefully Crafting Your Thesis: Understanding the Boundary Between Copyright and Academic Ethics."