財團法⼈煦陽温和⼤地教育基⾦會捐贈500萬元予興⼤ 獎勵優秀年輕學者投入學術研究 The Xuyang Gentle Earth Education Foundation, a non-profit organization, donated five million dollars to NCHU to reward outstanding young scholars for their academic research endeavors. 財團法⼈煦陽温和⼤地教育基⾦會捐贈500萬元予興⼤ 獎勵優秀年輕學者投入學術研究 The Xuyang Gentle Earth Education Foundation, a non-profit organization, donated five million dollars to NCHU to reward outstanding young scholars for their academic research endeavors.
興⼤4年輕學者榮獲懷璧獎 Four young scholars at NCHU honorably received the Huai Bi Award. 興⼤4年輕學者榮獲懷璧獎 Four young scholars at NCHU honorably received the Huai Bi Award.
興⼤「國際防疫暨教學醫院⼤樓」動⼟ 打造中部最⼤獸醫教育⽰範場域 NCHU's International Epidemic Prevention and Teaching Hospital building groundbreaking: Constructing the largest veterinary education demonstration site in central Taiwan. 興⼤「國際防疫暨教學醫院⼤樓」動⼟ 打造中部最⼤獸醫教育⽰範場域 NCHU's International Epidemic Prevention and Teaching Hospital building groundbreaking: Constructing the largest veterinary education demonstration site in central Taiwan.
師⽣緣情牽⼀甲⼦ 興⼤傑出校友聶威杰創設獎學⾦18年 Teacher-student bond spanning a century; Nye Wei-Chieh, a distinguished alumnus of NCHU, established scholarship for 18 years. 師⽣緣情牽⼀甲⼦ 興⼤傑出校友聶威杰創設獎學⾦18年 Teacher-student bond spanning a century; Nye Wei-Chieh, a distinguished alumnus of NCHU, established scholarship for 18 years.
中興⼤學與中市府合辦就業博覽會 80家企業釋出6800個職缺 NCHU, in collaboration with the Taichung City Government, co-hosts a job fair where 80 companies offer 6,800 job openings. 中興⼤學與中市府合辦就業博覽會 80家企業釋出6800個職缺 NCHU, in collaboration with the Taichung City Government, co-hosts a job fair where 80 companies offer 6,800 job openings.
國立中興大學與臺中市政府合作舉辦「富市台中 就業成功」就業博覽會,3月23日在中興大學惠蓀堂熱鬧登場,邀請台積電、聯亞科技、台塑企業等80家國內知名廠商齊聚,設置「科技資訊業專區」、「製造業專區」、「服務業專區」、「綠能環保專區」、「雙軌視訊專區」等5大熱門專區,提供6800個工作機會。
興⼤與資安院簽署合作 協助產業培育資安⼈才 NCHU signed a cooperation agreement with the Institute of Information Security to assist the industry in cultivating cybersecurity talents. 興⼤與資安院簽署合作 協助產業培育資安⼈才 NCHU signed a cooperation agreement with the Institute of Information Security to assist the industry in cultivating cybersecurity talents.
學術頂尖、邁向卓越 興⼤學術年報中文最新版正式發⾏NCHU Academic Yearbook, showcasing academic excellence and striving for excellence, has been published officially in Chinese, featuring the latest edition. 學術頂尖、邁向卓越 興⼤學術年報中文最新版正式發⾏NCHU Academic Yearbook, showcasing academic excellence and striving for excellence, has been published officially in Chinese, featuring the latest edition.
興⼤創新產業暨國際學院榮獲112年度TTQS⾦牌認證 NCHU's College of Innovation and International Studies was awarded the TTQS Gold Certification in the 112th year. 興⼤創新產業暨國際學院榮獲112年度TTQS⾦牌認證 NCHU's College of Innovation and International Studies was awarded the TTQS Gold Certification in the 112th year.
李德財院⼠創辦興⼤懷璧獎 再度捐助100萬元延續理念 Academician Li De-Cai initiated the Huaibi Award at NCHU and donated another 1 million NT dollars to perpetuate the ideology.
美國前NSF官員率團參加興⼤舉辦「臺美智慧農業研討會」 促進跨國學研合作 A former NSF official from the United States lead a delegation to participate in the 'Taiwan-US Smart Agriculture Symposium' hosted by NCHU, promoting cross-border academic and research cooperation.
為促進台美智慧農業技術交流與合作,國立中興大學智慧農業中心於3月11日至12日舉辦「Taiwan-US Smart Agriculture Workshop臺美智慧農業研討會」。美國國家科學基金會(NSF)退休研究員Dr. Chang及Dr. Arzberger率愛荷華州立大學Sarkar教授、亞利桑那大學Merchant教授等一行七人,偕同國家高速網路中心林芳邦副主任、農業試驗所陳琦玲博士等人一同參與,共同交流智慧農業技術與經驗,探討臺美智慧農業合作新契機。
美國聖路易斯華盛頓大學 (Washington University in St. Louis) 蒞校拜訪 深化交流 Washington University in St. Louis visits our campus, deepening exchanges.
美國聖路易斯華盛頓大學副校長Dr. Vijay K. Ramani及華大校友中央研究院賀端華院士於2024年3月14日蒞臨中興大學拜訪。本校由副校長兼國際長周濟眾教授代表接待,協同電資學院楊谷章院長、管理學院謝焸君院長、工學院蔡志成副院長、國際政治研究所崔進揆所長、前瞻理工科技研究中心何孟書主任、森林系吳耿東副教授、國際學術交流組蘇怡慈組長等人共同參與交流。
第⼗四屆應⽤物理與數學國際會議ICAPM 2024⾸次在台灣舉⾏ 譜寫國際學術交流新篇章 The 14th International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics (ICAPM 2024) held for the first time in Taiwan, marked a new chapter in international academic exchanges.
第十四屆應用物理與數學國際會議ICAPM 2024於4月10日至12日在台北福華大飯店隆重舉行,會議由國立中興大學及科學與工程研究協會SCIEI共同主辦,本次會議匯聚來自美國、日本、中國、韓國、菲律賓、馬來西亞、泰國、印度尼西亞及阿拉伯聯合酋長國等15個國家的學者、研究人員、工程師與學生,各自分享最新研究成果也反映了會議的國際影響力及跨文化學術交流的重要性。
如何建構企業節能減碳的潛能Ft.中興⼤學產業減碳推廣辦公室執⾏⻑-吳耿東教授 How to harness the potential for energy conservation and carbon reduction in enterprises featuring Professor Wu Geng-Dong, Executive Director of the Industry Carbon Reduction Promotion Office at NCHU.
國立中興大學特別成立全國大學第一個「產業減碳 推廣辦公室」,協助中小企業發展低碳產品與因應策略。
公視我們的島ft.中興⼤學昆蟲系特聘教授 李後鋒|認識⾓落⽣物:原來⽩蟻是「社會性」蟑螂 ⼀窺⽩蟻之謎! Public Television's 'Our Island' featuring Professor Lee Hou-feng, a distinguished professor from the Department of Entomology at NCHU. Explore the world of corner biota: uncovering the mystery of termites, revealing that they are actually 'social' cockroaches.
童興造林護地球 百⼈種樹響應淨零減碳 Tong Comprehensive Hospital and NCHU collaborated on afforestation to protect the Earth. One hundred people plant trees in response to achieving net zero carbon emissions.
童綜合醫院與中興大學農學院簽署去(2023)年簽署自然碳匯規劃與永續報告並執行植樹造林合作備忘錄,攜手進行0.86公頃的植樹碳匯,今年啟動執行,經由二至三月的苗木健化與整地完成,3月23日舉辦「童興造林護地球 百人種樹活動」,邀請百餘人共同種樹,力行綠化家園。
興⼤曾惠馨教授20年磨⼀劍 研發「⾼效⼆氧化碳薄膜分離」技術 Professor Tseng Hui-Hsin of NCHU dedicated 20 years to perfecting her skills, culminating in the development of the 'High- Efficiency Carbon Dioxide Membrane Separation' technology.
興⼤與國資圖簽署MOU 攜⼿推動永續發展、共創雙贏 NCHU signed an MOU with the National Central Library to jointly promote sustainable development and create a win-win situation.
興⼤領航區域聯盟學校⼀同種下校園創新種⼦ 辦理「跨領域創新創業教育種⼦教師培訓系列課程」 NCHU lead the regional alliance of schools in jointly planting the seeds of campus innovation and organizing the 'Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Seed Teacher Training Series Course'.
興⼤攜⼿正隆及原⺠修復千萬⼭林碳匯價值進⾏惠蓀火燒地復育 NCHU collaborated with Cheng Lung and indigenous peoples to restore the carbon sequestration value of millions of mountains and forests, benefiting the restoration of burned areas in Huisun.
在正隆董事長鄭人銘及國立中興大學校長詹富智的帶領下,號召100位正隆員工眷屬及供應鏈夥伴「Plants for the Planet」在惠蓀林場火燒地種下500棵樹苗
詹校⻑率團隊巡視園藝試驗場⾼冷地分場 種下台灣花柏 Principal Zhan lead a team to inspect the high- altitude branch of the botanical garden, planting Taiwanese cypress.
鈺統食品、丸莊醬油:科技與傳統技藝交織的文化之旅 Yutong Foods and Wanzhuang Soy Sauce: A cultural journey intertwining technology and traditional craftsmanship.
打造動物友善城市 中興⼤學獸醫學院拜會縣⻑ Creating an animal-friendly city: NCHU's College of Veterinary Medicine paid a visit to the county mayor.
⾛讀台南400 新化林場 3/23~24桃花⼼⽊農夫市集上場 Embark on a journey through Tainan and visit XinHua Forestry Culture Park from March 23rd to 24th, where the Peach Blossom Heartwood Farmers' Market will be held.
「2024 IDC 臺灣設計院校巡迴成果展」於國立中興⼤學藝術中⼼精彩登場 掀起新⼀波設計風潮 'The 2024 IDC Taiwan Design School Touring Exhibition' made a spectacular debut at the National Chung Hsing University Art Center, igniting a new wave of design trends.
國立中興大學數位人文與文創產業進修學士學位學程蔡佩儒老師籌辦教育部「2024 IDC 臺灣設計院校巡迴成果展」,並親自帶領學生於校內藝術中心佈展,展場內超過 80 件視覺、產品、數位、建築、工藝、動畫、時尚等藝術與設計類國際競賽得獎作品,完整呈現臺灣學生在國際比賽中發光發熱的競爭力。
學務處蕭伊伶社⼯師榮獲衛福部與臺中市社會局「績優社⼯」雙獎項 Ms. Xiao Yiling, a social worker from the Office of Student Affairs, received the 'Outstanding Social Worker' dual award from the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Taichung City Social Bureau.
⼤⼆打地基 畢業就捧鐵飯碗 Sophomore lays the foundation; upon graduation, secures a stable job.
⼀縷遙遠的芬芳 敬悼⿑邦媛老師 A distant fragrance, a tribute to Teacher Chia-Pang Yuan.
113年全國社團評鑑 興⼤社團榮獲佳績 The National Student Club Evaluation for the 113th year: National NCHU clubs achieve outstanding results.
財部釋出百頃國有地種碳權 4⽉⾸度招標 The Ministry of Finance released 100 hectares of state-owned land for carbon credit planting, with the first bidding scheduled for April.
設計思考⼯作坊 啓動電動雙輪市場⾰命 Design thinking workshops spark a revolution in the electric two- wheeler market.
國立中興大學與數據科技股份有限公司於3月17日及23日合辦「啓動電動雙輪市場革命—設計思考工作坊」由本校科技管理研究所鄭菲菲教授兼所長擔任總導師,協同5位設計思考引導師組成授課團隊,以設計思考(Design Thinking)為基礎進行課程規劃,並由數據科技企業出題,讓來自15所大專校院集結40位跨領域學生,運用團隊合作透過設計思考工具,以同理心探究問題的核心,為企業提供拓展未來巿場方向的創新思維,作為持續優化的參考。
陳景松董事⻑分享⼈⽣智慧,激勵青年學⼦奮發向前 -我學、我思、我要、我做 Chairman Chen Jingsong shares life wisdom, inspiring young students to strive forward with the mantra: 'I learn, I think, I want, I do'.
「臺綜⼤年輕學者創新研發成果選拔」經驗分享座談會—以創新帶動學術突破 'Taiwan Comprehensive University Young Scholars Innovative Research and Development Achievement Selection' experience- sharing symposium—Driving Academic Breakthroughs with Innovation.
興⼤藝術中⼼舉辦「意造⾃然—王俊盛繪畫展」 NCHU Art Center hosts the 'Artificial Nature - Wang Junsheng Painting Exhibition'.
國立中興大學藝術中心今年首場藝術展覽邀請到臺灣知名畫家王俊盛教授蒞校舉辦「意造自然—王俊盛繪畫展」,展期自 113 年 2 月 29 日至 3 月 24 日,開啟新年濃墨重彩的篇章
113年度本校建教合作計畫與循環經濟研究學院研發計畫統計 Statistics of the school’s industry-academia collaboration projects and the research and development projects of the Academy of Circular Economy in 2024.
眾人關愛 中興湖流蘇樹「四月雪」盛開 People are caring for the blooming of the Kapok trees by the Chung Hsing Lake, which resembles 'April snow'.
【研究計畫徵求訊息Call for Research Project Proposals】 校外單位徵求研究計畫之相關訊息External Organizations Soliciting Research Project Proposals Information
【計畫徵求Program Application】 中研院113年第2梯次國內學者 來院短期研究,4月19日前完成線上申請,紙本資料3份於113年 4月23日前送達研發處學術組. / Application open for SINICA Short-Term Domestic Visiting Scholars. Online application deadline is April 19. 3 copy of application form be submitted before April 23.
【學倫講座Academic Ethics Lecture】 臺灣學術倫理教育資源中心 訂於113年4月29日(一)舉辦「開放同儕評閱之設計與應用發 展」學術倫理專題講座,歡迎報名參加。AREE is scheduled to hold April 29, 2024 (Monday) 'Academic Ethics and Research Integrity Training( Chinese Speech)', welcome to sign up.
【學倫講座Academic Ethics Lecture】 中原大學訂於113年5月7 日(二)舉辦「學術倫理系列講座—生成式AI之後的學術倫理議題 解析」,歡迎報名參加。CYCU is scheduled to hold May 7, 2024 (Tuesday) 'Academic Ethics Series Lecture - Analysis of Academic Ethics Issues After Generative AI', welcome to sign up.
【獎項申請Application for Awards】 行政院性別平等處「2024年 APEC健康女性、健康經濟體研究獎」,校內截止日為2024年5月 10日(五)下午17時前。GEC of Executive Yuan '2024 APEC Healthy Women, Healthy Economies Research Prize', The internal deadline is May 10th (Friday) before 17:00 PM, 2024.
【學倫講座Academic Ethics Lecture】 臺灣學術倫理教育資源中心 訂於113年5月14日(二)舉辦「生成式AI的著作權與創用CC 授權實例釋疑」學術倫理專題講座,歡迎報名參加。AREE is scheduled to hold May 14, 2024 (Tuesday) 'Academic Ethics and Research Integrity Training( Chinese Speech)', welcome to sign up.
【獎項申請Application for Awards】 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基 金會「2024台灣傑出永續青年獎」徵選活動,校內截止日為2024 年5月24日(五)中午12時前。Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) '2024 Young Sustainability Leadership Awards', The internal deadline is May 24th (Friday) before 12:00 PM, 2024.
【獎項申請Application for Awards】 國科會「2024年臺法科技獎」 申請,校內截止日為113年6月10日(一)下午17時。The Franco- Taiwanese Scientific Grand Prize 2024 of NSTC, the internal deadline is June 10 (Monday) before 5:00 PM.
【獎項申請Application for Awards】 衛福部食藥署113年度「國家 藥物科技研究發展獎」自公告日起至113年6月28日止受理申請。 Taiwan FDA National Pharmaceutical Technology & Research Development Award, NPRDA. Applications will be accepted from the date of announcement until June 28, 2024.
【計畫申請Call for Proposals】 國科會國科會「2025年臺法幽蘭計 畫(Orchid Program)」,校內申請截止日為113年6月26日上午10 時止。“ NSTC Programme of Intergrated Actions(PIA) ORCHID(TAIWAN) ,The internal deadline is June 26 before 10:00 a.m.
【學倫活動Forward Academic Ethics Activity】 國立清華大學113年 上半年度辦理「研究倫理以及學術倫理教育訓練課程」,歡迎報名參 加。NTHU Research & Academic Ethics Education Training, welcome to sign up.