興⼤楊⻑賢講座教授獲選中央研究院第34屆院⼠Professor Yang, Chang-Hsien from NCHU was elected as an Academician of the 34th Central Research Institute.   興⼤楊⻑賢講座教授獲選中央研究院第34屆院⼠Professor Yang, Chang-Hsien from NCHU was elected as an Academician of the 34th Central Research Institute.
中興大學生物科技學研究所楊長賢講座教授7月4日獲選中央研究院第34屆院士。楊院士專長為花卉生技研究,尤其在蘭花的開花、花器發育形成及後續的老化凋落等領域研究豐碩,且多次登上植物學頂尖期刊Nature Plants, Plant Journal及 Plant and Cell Physiology封面故事報導,對臺灣農業花卉產業的研發貢獻良多。
THE 2024年「世界大學影響力排名」 中興大學大幅躍進 名列全球第201-300名In the THE 2024 'World University Impact Rankings,' NCHU made a significant leap, ranking among the top 201-300 globally. THE 2024年「世界大學影響力排名」 中興大學大幅躍進 名列全球第201-300名In the THE 2024 'World University Impact Rankings,' NCHU made a significant leap, ranking among the top 201-300 globally.
中興大學在本次評比中大幅躍升至全球第201-300名,並列臺灣第八,更有五項永續發展目標(SDGs)名列全球第101-200名,分別是SDG 2「消除飢餓」(臺灣第六)、SDG 7「可負擔的潔淨能源」(臺灣第四)、SDG 12「負責任的消費與生產」(臺灣第五)、SDG 15「陸域生態」(臺灣第二)、SDG 17「全球夥伴關係」(臺灣第四),展現了興大在永續發展多樣貌的展現。
教育部高教深耕計畫113年核定經費 興大連5年居全國第5The Ministry of Education's Higher Education Sprout Project approved funding for 2024, with NCHU ranking 5th nationally for five consecutive years. 教育部高教深耕計畫113年核定經費 興大連5年居全國第5The Ministry of Education's Higher Education Sprout Project approved funding for 2024, with NCHU ranking 5th nationally for five consecutive years.
興大USR「寵物義診」通識課 收容所義診關懷犬貓NCHU USR 'Free Pet Clinic' general education course provides medical care and attention to dogs and cats in shelters. 興大USR「寵物義診」通識課 收容所義診關懷犬貓NCHU USR 'Free Pet Clinic' general education course provides medical care and attention to dogs and cats in shelters.
國科會「大專學生研究計畫」通過件數 興大躍居國立大學第三NCHU ranks third among national universities in the number of approved projects under the NSC's College Student Research Program. 國科會「大專學生研究計畫」通過件數 興大躍居國立大學第三NCHU ranks third among national universities in the number of approved projects under the NSC's College Student Research Program.
興大南投分部衝綠電 盼成零碳校園NCHU's Nantou campus is striving for green energy, aiming to become a carbon-neutral campus. 興大南投分部衝綠電 盼成零碳校園NCHU's Nantou campus is striving for green energy, aiming to become a carbon-neutral campus.
興⼤學⽣直升就讀世界百⼤知名學府碩⼠班   獲頒逾百萬元獎學⾦NCHU students directly admitted to master's programs at world's top 100 renowned universities awarded over one million NT dollars in scholarships. 興⼤學⽣直升就讀世界百⼤知名學府碩⼠班 獲頒逾百萬元獎學⾦NCHU students directly admitted to master's programs at world's top 100 renowned universities awarded over one million NT dollars in scholarships.
⽣態系統與藍碳研究獲肯定 中興⼤學林幸助特聘教授榮獲海委會海洋保育貢獻楷模獎NCHU Professor Lin, Hsing-Chu, renowned for his research in ecosystems and blue carbon, is honored with the Ocean Conservation Contribution Model Award by the Ocean Affairs Council.
興⼤分⽣所賴建成特聘教授 榮獲台灣質譜學會獎章NCHU Professor Lai, Jian-Cheng from the Graduate Institute of Bioresources is honored with the Taiwan Mass Spectrometry Society Medal.
培育新興專業人才 提升農業技術服務Fostering emerging professional talents to enhance agricultural technical services.
中興大學植物教學醫院於7月4日辦理中區儲備植物醫師回訓,邀請大誠土壤作物技術館 陳興宗老師協助,舉行田間診斷案件資訊分享,並由陳興宗老師傳遞業界服務經驗,瞭解農業土壤與栽培管理之重要性。
興⼤攜⼿產業舉辦國際座談會 響應新興精準育種科技發展趨勢NCHU collaborates with industries to host an international symposium in response to the emerging trend of precision breeding technology development.
肩負保種任務 官學研合作歷經三年完成林⽊種⼦貯藏及繁殖經典專書Undertaking the mission of seed conservation, the governmental-academic research collaboration has completed a classic book on the storage and propagation of tree seeds after three years.
經濟部水利署捐贈興大近4千件全國水域水蟲標本The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Water Resources Agency, donated nearly 4,000 aquatic insect specimens from nationwide water bodies to NCHU.
中興⼤學與聖暉⼯程科技簽署產學合作 培育⼯程科技⼈才NCHU signes an industry-academia collaboration agreement with Saint Hui Engineering Technology to foster engineering and technology talent.
中興大學管理學院持續精進 獲AACSB再認證NCHU's College of Management continues to improve and has been re-accredited by AACSB.
國立中興大學管理學院於2024年7月順利通過美國國際商管學院促進協會(The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business,簡稱AACSB)的持續認證,該認證肯定了中興大學在商管教育上的卓越辦學品質,讓學院與世界頂尖商管學院並駕齊驅,對學校未來的國際化和教學研究品質提升有顯著效益。
中興大學後醫學系學生遠赴澎湖 實地進行偏鄉醫療與社區服務學習Students from NCHU's Department of Post-Baccalaureate Medicine traveled to Penghu to engage in on-site rural healthcare and community service learning.
為何家裡沒吃的也能活?專家揭對蟑螂而言一因素比食物更重要Why can they survive at home without food? Experts reveal that for cockroaches, one factor is more important than food.
唯心電視甜園交響曲採訪儲備植醫田間教學Wei Xin TV covers field teaching for plant medicine in Sweet Garden Symphony.
德州國際領袖學校暑期華語研習團蒞臨興⼤ 展開文化交流新篇章The Texas International Leadership School's summer Chinese language study group visited NCHU, marking a new chapter in cultural exchange.
國立中興大學7月1日上午9點在人文大樓國際會議廳舉行美國德州國際領袖學校(International Leadership of Texas, 簡稱ILTEXAS)暑期華語研習團始業典禮。
塑化劑無所不在 吃對食物助排毒Plasticizers are ubiquitous; eating the right foods helps detoxification.
中興大學名譽教授 李茂榮:「鞋子的鞋底那是塑膠的,背包如果是塑膠的,那也是有,像喝的珍珠奶茶,(杯子)也是塑膠的。」
農糧署⻑將致⼒確保農糧產業整體競爭⼒及農⺠收益The Director-General of Agriculture and Food Agency is committed to ensuring the overall competitiveness of the agriculture and food industry, as well as farmers' income.
⽇⽉光守護臺灣⼭林 7年種下近13萬棵樹苗Sun Moon Light has protected Taiwan's forests by planting nearly 130,000 tree seedlings over seven years.
日月光委託中興大學柳婉郁教授,利用政府間氣候變化專門委員會(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC)2006年所提出之林木碳吸存量估算通式,將林木平均比重乘以林木樹幹部分之木材材積,後乘全株材積與幹材材積之比例轉換得林木生物量,林木生物量乘以林木之碳含量百分比,即為林木所固定之二氧化碳當量。
⾸辦夜宿圖書館!興⼤攜⼿11位校友與企業開辦公益營隊NCHU collaborates with 11 alumni and corporations to host its first overnight library camp!
他花2~3億元推動建築結構安全,被笑是傻瓜 … ⼈⽣低潮被寫進建築史、獲「國家發明獎⾦牌」 戴雲發:我⼀定 要成功He spent 200-300 million NT dollars promoting building structural safety, mocked as a fool. His life's low point is now written into architectural history, and he receives the 'National Invention Award Gold Medal'. Dai Yunfa said, 'I must succeed.'
E&M基⾦會王敦正獲教育部頒贈教育專業獎章E&M Foundation's Wang, Dun-zheng receives the Education Professional Medal from the Ministry of Education.
系際盃 衛冕軍中興森林季軍作收 猛打賞莊承霖是⼩⾺⾦牌國⼿In the Inter-College Cup, defending champion NCHU Forestry secures third place. Slugger Zhuang, Cheng-Lin is a promising national athlete in equestrian sports.
113年度本校建教合作計畫與循環經濟研究學院研發計畫統計In the academic year 113, our school's Building-Education Cooperation Program and the Institute of Circular Economy Research's research and development projects were statistically analyzed.
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