【轉知/計畫申請Notice/Program Application】113年度第一期「國家科學及技術委員會補助國內舉辦國際學術研討會」申請案( National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Funding for Holding of International Academic Conferences in Taiwan (2024 first ephase))
2024-02-15補助申請公告:113年度第一期「國家科學及技術委員會補助國內舉辦國際學術研討會」申請案 | Funding Opportunity Announcement: National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Funding for Holding of International Academic Conferences in Taiwan (2024 first ephase) |
1.申請期限:113年3月1日至3月29日下午四點(校內截止期限)。 | 1.Application Period: From March 1st to March 29th,2024. Deadline at School: 4:00 pm |
2.研討會舉辦期間:須為須為113年4月1日起至114年9月30日間舉行者。 | 2. Conference Dates: April 1st, 2024, to September 30th, 2025. |
3.申請方式 (1)申請人請至國科會首頁之「學術研發服務網」,線上申請並繳交送出。 (2)送出後請通知研發處蕭月仙小姐。 Tel:04-22840550,校內分機:301 Email:yhhsiao@nchu.edu.tw |
3.How to Apply: (1)Applications must be completed online via the ”Academic Research Service Portal” on the homepage of National Science and Technology Council. (2) After submission, please inform Ms. Yeh-Hsiao at the R&D Office. Tel:04-22840550, ext. 301 Email:yhhsiao@nchu.edu.tw |
4.國科會聯絡窗口: (1)相關規定如有問題,請洽國科會科教國合處孫小于小姐。 Tel:02-2737-7131 Email:hysun@nstc.gov.tw (2)為避免網路壅塞,請申請人提早作業。系統操作如有問題,請洽國科會資訊系統服務專線。 Tel:0800-212-058、02-2737-7590、02-2737-7591、02-2737-7592。 |
4.Contact window for NSTC: (1) For any inquiries regarding relevant regulations, please contact Ms. Sun. Tel:02-2737-7131 Email:hysun@nstc.gov.tw (2)To avoid internet congestion, please apply in your early convenience. If you encounter any issues with the system operation, please contact system maintenance engineers. Tel:0800-212-058、02-2737-7590、02-2737-7591、02-2737-7592 |
5.國科會「補助國內舉辦國際學術研討會」作業要點連結如下: https://www.nstc.gov.tw/sci/ch/detail/1360c09c-0890-47ae-9275-cecefe5a3167 |
5. The “Regulations for Funding of the Holding of International Academic Conferences in Taiwan” can be found at the following link:https://www.nstc.gov.tw/sci/ch/detail/1360c09c-0890-47ae-9275-cecefe5a3167 |
6.其它注意事項: (1)為鼓勵與國際學術組織聯合舉辦大型國際學術會議,申請時請詳填外籍專家學者參與人數及國家數,且至少應有兩個國家或地區之外籍專家學者來臺參與研討會,但不包含中國大陸、香港及澳門地區。 (2)因應研討會運用數位化技術辦理之需求,外籍專家學者或與會人員如以視訊或其他數位科技方式參與會議,可視為親自出席會議,規劃補助費用項目時請整體考量實體或視訊等會議形式之需求。 (3)為支持女性科研人員參加國際學術研討會,及鼓勵申請機構提供照顧幼兒之措施,本補助項目得依實際需求提供托兒服務經費。 |
6.Other Notes: (1) To encourage collaboration with international academic organizations in hosting large-scale international academic conferences, please provide detailed information on the number of foreign experts and scholars participating, as well as the number of countries. Additionally, there should be at least two foreign experts or scholars from different countries or regions attending the conference in Taiwan, excluding mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau. (2) To accommodate the use of digital technology for conducting conferences, participation of foreign experts, scholars, or attendees via video conferencing or other digital means will be considered equivalent to attending in person. When planning the budget, please consider the needs of both physical and virtual conference formats. (3) To support the participation of female researchers in international academic conferences and encourage applying institutions to provide childcare facilities, this funding program may provide childcare service expenses according to actual needs. |
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