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  • 【臺綜大年輕學者活動/ Taiwan Comprehensive University System Young Scholars Incentive Camp】敬請各院推薦1名年輕教師參加113年度臺綜大系統「優秀年輕學者策勵營」,並於113年7月31日前提供資料。Each college recommends a young teacher to participate in this activity,Recommendation deadline From now until July 31.

【臺綜大年輕學者活動/ Taiwan Comprehensive University System Young Scholars Incentive Camp】敬請各院推薦1名年輕教師參加113年度臺綜大系統「優秀年輕學者策勵營」,並於113年7月31日前提供資料。Each college recommends a young teacher to participate in this activity,Recommendation deadline From now until July 31.

活動公告:113年臺綜大系統優秀年輕學者策勵營 Announcement--Taiwan Comprehensive University System Young Scholars Incentive Camp
一、活動目標: 聚集成功大學、中山大學、中興大學、中正大學等台灣綜合大學系統的優秀學者及青年教師,進行經驗分享,達到傳遞知識、促進橫向交流的目的,從而促進大學間、跨學科的合作。 Objectives of the event: To bring together outstanding scholars and young teachers from the Taiwan Comprehensive University System , including National Cheng Kung University, National Sun Yat-sen University, National Chung Hsing University, and National Chung Cheng University, for the purpose of experience sharing, achieving the goal of passing on knowledge, facilitating horizontal communication, and thereby promoting inter-university and interdisciplinary collaboration.
二、活動時間: 2024913日(星期五) Event Date: Friday, September 13, 2024
三、活動地點:中山大學行政大樓55007會議室 Event Venue: Conference Room 5007, 5th Floor, Administration Building, National Sun Yat-sen University
四、各學院推薦時間:即日起至731 (校內截止期限) Recommendation deadline for Each College: From now until July 31 (internal deadline).
Recommendation Documents
1.List of Participants
2-page Self-Introduction PPT
電子信箱liyingyang @nchu.edu.tw
Person in charge:
Ms. Yang at the R&D Office.
Tel:04-22840550, ext. 303