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  • 【補助申請Subsidy Application】國科會人社中心「補助期刊審查專書書稿」,2024年8/1至8/31受理申請。RIHSS accepts applications for the Subsidy for Manuscript Reviews from Aug 1st to Aug 31st, 2024.

【補助申請Subsidy Application】國科會人社中心「補助期刊審查專書書稿」,2024年8/1至8/31受理申請。RIHSS accepts applications for the Subsidy for Manuscript Reviews from Aug 1st to Aug 31st, 2024.


國科會人社中心「補助期刊審查專書書稿」,自114年起停辦 RIHSS of NSTC accepts applications for the Subsidy for Manuscript Reviews.
Ceased operation starting in 2024.
受理日期:2024年8月1日至8月31日。 Acceptance Period: Aug 1st to Aug 31st, 2024.
申請方式:線上填寫申請表並上傳單一PDF檔案的書稿電子檔。 Application Methods: Fill out the online application form and upload the electronic file of the manuscript (integrated into a single PDF document).
詳細作業要點、線上申請及相關須知等資訊,請詳閱國科會人社中心「補助期刊審查專書書稿」網頁說明。 Please refer to the RIHSS of NSTC webpage instructions for detailed operational guidelines, online application, and relevant information.