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  • 【補助申請Subsidy Application】國科會人社中心補助「外文專書出版費用」(試辦),全年受理申請。RIHSS of NSTC Subsidy "Foreign Language Academic Book Publication Fee Subsidy" (Pilot Program), Applications Accepted Year-round.

【補助申請Subsidy Application】國科會人社中心補助「外文專書出版費用」(試辦),全年受理申請。RIHSS of NSTC Subsidy "Foreign Language Academic Book Publication Fee Subsidy" (Pilot Program), Applications Accepted Year-round.

補助出版於國外學術性出版社之外文專書出版費用。 The subsidy covers the publication fees for academic books published in foreign languages by international academic publishers.
受理日期:全年受理申請。 Application Period: Applications are accepted year-round.
申請方式:國科會人社中心線上申請系統上傳資料後,務必由任職機構發送紙本公文提出申請。 Application Process: After uploading the required documents to the online application system of RIHSS of NSTC, applicants must have their affiliated institution submit a hard copy of the official documents.
詳細作業要點、申請書下載、線上申請等資訊,請詳閱國科會人社中心補助外文專書出版費用」網站說明。 For detailed guidelines, application forms, and online application information, please refer to the instructions on RIHSS of NSTC "Foreign Language Academic Book Publication Fee Subsidy" website.