【計畫徵求Program Application】國科會2025年歐盟大型儀器培訓計畫 ,自即日起受理線上申請,校內截止日113年10月1日(週一)下午5時。Online application open for 2025 NSTC HERCULES. Application deadline is October 1, 2024, 5 pm.
2024-08-27一、申請資格:博士生或博士後研究人員 | 1. Qualifications: PhD student or postdoctoral |
二、本項培訓課程地點在法國東南方格勒諾勃(Grenoble)舉行,為期5週,包括1.5週共同課程及3.5週之分組(A組及B組)課程: * 共同課程:Basic Methods and Instruments * 分組A組:Physics and chemistry of condensed matter * 分組B組:Biomolecular and soft condensed matter |
2. This training course is held in Grenoble, France, and lasts for 5 weeks, including 1.5 weeks of common courses and 3.5 weeks of group courses (Group A and Group B): *Common course: Basic Methods and Instruments *Group A: Physics and chemistry of condensed matter *Group B: Biomolecular and soft condensed matter |
三、徵件公文及作業要點如附加檔案。相關申請規範詳見國科會網頁或法國培訓計畫網站。 | 3. The 2025 NSTC HERCULES application form is enclosed. For more information please visit the NSTC website or HERCULES website |