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  • 【轉知/學倫講座Academic Ethics Lecture】成大113年9月12日(四)「研究資料管理與學術支援服務」講座,歡迎報名參加。NCKU will hold a lecture " Research Data Management and Academic Support Services " on September 12, 2024 (Thursday), welcome to sign up.

【轉知/學倫講座Academic Ethics Lecture】成大113年9月12日(四)「研究資料管理與學術支援服務」講座,歡迎報名參加。NCKU will hold a lecture " Research Data Management and Academic Support Services " on September 12, 2024 (Thursday), welcome to sign up.


Date: September 12, 2024 (Thursday)
14:10 PM - 16:00 PM
活動採線上進行,視訊網址將於活動前兩天寄送給報名者。 The event will be conducted online, and the video conference link will be sent to registrants two days before the event.
2.校外人士報名表(Google表單) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSculhywfRHz69aWqoGe9MfQwh4URpGXkVs7ZOqy0nkow7zOFw/viewform
Registration Website:
  1. National Cheng Kung University's campus-wide activity information system
  1. External participant registration form (Google Form)
須事先完成報名,並在當天確實完成簽到、簽退,事後方可核給2小時學術誠信研習時數。細部資訊將於活動前發送至報名時填寫的信箱。 Prior registration is required, and participants must check in and out on the day of the event to be credited with 2 hours of academic integrity training. Detailed information will be sent to the email address provided during registration before the event.
※本校教研人員全程參與課程並取得研習證明者,請將證明文件影本送至研發處學術組備查,得採計本校學術倫理研習時數2小時。 ※Researchers from NCHU who participate in the entire course and obtain a workshop certificate can submit a copy of the certificate to the Academic Development Division of the Research and Development Office for record. 2 hours of academic ethics education hours at NCHU will be credited.
請參閱活動網頁公告,網址連結:https://oai.web2.ncku.edu.tw/p/406-1072-214411,r164.php?Lang=zh-tw Please refer to the event webpage announcement, website link: https://oai.web2.ncku.edu.tw/p/406-1072-214411,r164.php?Lang=zh-tw