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  • 【轉知申請】海洋委員會114年度海洋教育多元推展計畫申請案,校內截止日期3月28日下午四點 [Notification of Application] The application for the 114th Annual Ocean Education Diversified Expansion Plan by the Ocean Affairs Council has an internal deadline of 4:00 PM on March 28.

【轉知申請】海洋委員會114年度海洋教育多元推展計畫申請案,校內截止日期3月28日下午四點 [Notification of Application] The application for the 114th Annual Ocean Education Diversified Expansion Plan by the Ocean Affairs Council has an internal deadline of 4:00 PM on March 28.

  1. 委辦/補助單位: 海洋委員會
  1. Funding institution: Ocean Affairs Council(OAC)
  1. 計畫主題:114年度海洋教育多元推展計畫
  1. Project topic: 2025 Marine Education Diversified Promotion Program
  1. 欲申請者請務必於3月24日前向本組登記,本案如有2單位登記申請,將召開校內協商會議
  1. Applicants must register with our office by March 24. If two units register for the application, an internal coordination meeting will be held.
  1. 校內申請截止時間:114年3月28日1600時止
  1. Internal application deadline: March 28, 2025, at 16:00.
  1. 注意事項:
  1. Notes:
(1)The cost-sharing ratio for cooperating applicants should be 30% of the total project budget.
(2)Ocean Affairs Council Official Website: https://www.oac.gov.tw/ch/home.jsp?id=67&parentpath=0,6&mcustomize=bulletin_view.jsp&dataserno=202503140001