- 發布單位:國立清華大學
- Issuing institution: National Tsing Hua University
- 訊息內容:研究倫理以及學術倫理教育訓練課程
- Content: Research Ethics and Academic Ethics Training Courses
- 報名網址:線上申請
- Application website: Online Application System
- 本校教研人員全程參與課程並取得研習證明者,可將證明文件影本送至研發處學術組備查,得採計為本校學術倫理研習時數。
- Faculty and researchers of National Chung Hsing University who complete the course and obtain a certificate may submit a copy to the Academic Development Division, Office of Research and Development for academic ethics training credit.
- 活動網址:https://rec.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/412-1233-9999.php?Lang=zh-tw
- Event website: https://rec.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/412-1233-9999.php?Lang=zh-tw