本校「激勵年輕優秀人才獎助要點」受理申請,欲申請者請於114年3月1日前於本校『學術研發服務網系統』線上申請。NCHU is accepting applications for the "Incentive Award Guidelines for Outstanding Young Talent." The online application deadline is March 1, 2025
刊登日期:2025 年 02 月 10 日
National Chung Hsing University is accepting applications for the "Incentive Award Guidelines for Outstanding Young Talent." The online application deadline is March 1, 2025.
National Chung Hsing University is accepting applications for the "Incentive Award Guidelines for Outstanding Young Talent." The online application deadline is March 1, 2025.
一、114年度激勵年輕優秀人才獎助 | 1.Incentive Award for Outstanding Young Talents |
二、申請資格: 申請人須為年齡四十五歲(含)以下專任教師,曾獲得以下獎項之一: (一)國家科學及技術委員會吳大猷先生獎 (二)國家科學及技術委員會哥倫布計畫 (三)國家科學及技術委員會愛因斯坦培植計畫 (四) 國家科學及技術委員會2030跨世代年輕學者方案 (五) 教育部玉山青年學者 (六) 國家科學及技術委員會傑出研究獎 (七) 中央研究院年輕學者研究成果獎 (八) 國內、外其他著名學術獎 女性四十五歲前曾有生育事實者,每生育一胎得延長二歲,但應檢附相關證明文件。 相關辦法、申請表及申請程序詳見下方附件 |
2. Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time faculty members aged 45 or younger and have received at least one of the following awards: (1) Wu Ta-You Memorial Award from the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). (2) Columbus Program of the NSTC. (3) Einstein Cultivation Program of the NSTC. (4) 2030 Cross-Generational Young Scholar Program of the NSTC. (5) Yu-Shan Young Scholar Award from the Ministry of Education. (6) Outstanding Research Award from the NSTC. (7) Young Scholar Research Achievement Award from Academia Sinica. (8) Other prestigious academic awards from domestic or international institutions. Female applicants who have given birth before the age of 45 may extend the age limit by 2 years per child, provided relevant proof documents are submitted. The relevant regulations, application form, and application procedure can be found in the attachment below. |
三、 申請補助經費及項目: (一)本計畫經費以補助申請者向校外單位申請全額補助,而只獲部分補助經費之差額;補助項目為儀器、圖書與電子資源等研究設備費,本經費至多以二百萬元為補助上限。每年度補助經費由審查會議依當年度相關經費額度及本校可提供之資源於上限範圍內調整之。 (二)每人補助以一次為限。 |
3.Application for Subsidy Funding and Items: (1)Scope and Amount of Subsidy: This program provides funding to cover the shortfall when an applicant applies for full funding from an external organization but only receives partial funding. The subsidy covers expenses for research equipment such as instruments, books, and electronic resources. The maximum subsidy amount is NT$2 million. Each year, the actual subsidy amount will be adjusted by the review committee based on the available funding for the year and the resources the university can provide, within the maximum limit. (2)Application Restrictions: Each applicant is limited to one subsidy application. |
四、欲申請者,請於114年3月1日前於本校『學術研發服務網系統』線上申請,並上傳申請資料電子檔,經單位主管線上核章後送研發處,俾利辦理後續審查事宜。 需檢附資料如下: (一)國科會個人資料表C301。 (二)獲獎證明文件。 (三)設備估價單1張。 (四)計畫核定清單、其他單位(如校外單位、申請單位本身或其上級單位)補助該申請案之金額及證明文件。 (五)申請書所擬之預期成果及效益評估之可行性及發展性。 |
4.Applicants must submit their applications online via the university's "Academic Research and Development Service System" by March 1, 2025 (Year 114 in the ROC calendar). All required electronic documents must be uploaded, and after obtaining online approval from the respective unit supervisor, the application should be submitted to the Office of Research and Development for further review. Required Documents: (1) National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Personal Information Form C301. (2) Award certification documents. (3) One equipment quotation. (4) Approved project list, details of financial support from other institutions (e.g., external organizations, the applicants own unit, or its superior unit), and supporting documents. (5) Feasibility and developmental potential of the proposed expected outcomes and benefit assessment. |
五、本案聯絡人: 研發處學術組楊麗螢小姐 校內分機550轉303 Email:liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw |
5. Contact information: National Chung Hsing University the Division of Academic Development at the Office of Research and Development (Ms. Li-Ying Yang) E-mail:liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw |