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  • 本校「優良學術性期刊申請獎助辦法」受理申請,欲申請者請於114年3月1日前將申請資料送至研發處學術發展組National Chung Hsing University is accepting applications for the " Grants for High-Quality Academic Journals " "Internal Deadline: March 1, 2025

本校「優良學術性期刊申請獎助辦法」受理申請,欲申請者請於114年3月1日前將申請資料送至研發處學術發展組National Chung Hsing University is accepting applications for the " Grants for High-Quality Academic Journals " "Internal Deadline: March 1, 2025

刊登日期:2025 年 02 月 11 日
National Chung Hsing University is accepting applications for the " Grants for High-Quality Academic Journals " "Internal Deadline: March 1, 2025
一、114年度優良學術性期刊獎助 1. Grants for High-Quality Academic Journals
五、出版之期刊已收錄於SCI(Science Citation Index)、SCIE(Science Citation Index Expanded)、SSCI(Social Sciences Citation Index) 、 A &HCI (Arts & Humanities Citation Index)、臺灣人文學核心期刊(簡稱 THCI)或臺灣社會科學核心期刊(簡稱 TSSCI)。
2. Eligibility:
Academic journals regularly published by the University’s colleges and departments that meet the following criteria may apply for grants from the Research and Development Office (hereinafter referred to as "R&D Office") under these guidelines:
  1. The content is primarily academic research papers.
  2. The journal is nationally or internationally open for submissions, has an independently operated editorial board, and employs a double-blind peer review system.
  3. The journal is published at least twice a year (biannual), with a minimum of four articles per issue. However, journals that have failed to publish on time within the past two years are not eligible to apply.
  4. The journal has obtained an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) and a government publication serial number.
  5. The journal is indexed in SCI (Science Citation Index), SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index), A&HCI (Arts & Humanities Citation Index), Taiwan Humanities Core Journals (THCI), or Taiwan Social Sciences Core Journals (TSSCI).
  6. The publishing unit has secured matching funds for the publication.
審核通過之學術性期刊,以獎助人事費(兼任助理、工讀生)、印刷費、 審查費、設計費、網頁建置與維護費及其他相關出版業務費,不獎助設備費與國外差旅費,並應依本校相關法規辦理核銷事宜。
3. Grant Items:
Approved academic journals may receive grants for personnel expenses (e.g., part-time assistants, student workers), printing costs, review fees, design fees, website creation and maintenance fees, and other related publication costs. However, grants will not cover equipment costs or overseas travel expenses, and reimbursement must follow the University’s relevant regulations.
4. Application Method:
Academic journals that meet the eligibility criteria should prepare all required documents (including the proposal and relevant supporting materials) and submit the application to the Academic Development Section of the Research and Development Office by March 1, 2025.
5.Contact information:
National Chung Hsing University
the Division of Academic Development at the Office of Research and Development
(Ms. Li-Ying Yang)