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  • 【補助申請Subsidy Application】國科會人社中心「補助學術研究群暨經典研讀班」申請案,受理期間2024年3月1日至3月31日止。RIHSS Subsidy Interdisciplinary Research Groups and Classic Reading Groups, accepting applications March 1 to March 31, 2024.

【補助申請Subsidy Application】國科會人社中心「補助學術研究群暨經典研讀班」申請案,受理期間2024年3月1日至3月31日止。RIHSS Subsidy Interdisciplinary Research Groups and Classic Reading Groups, accepting applications March 1 to March 31, 2024.

刊登日期:2024 年 02 月 20 日
國科會人社中心「補助學術研究群暨經典研讀班」申請案 RIHSS Subsidy Interdisciplinary Research Groups and Classic Reading Groups
一、受理日期:2024年3月1日至3月31日 1. Accepting applications: March 1 to March 31, 2024.
2. Application Methods:
(1) Online Application System: Fill out and upload the application form in WORD format and a single combined PDF file of the application form and appendices.
(2) Before March 31st, please have your affiliated school or research institution send a single-sheet hard copy document to RIHSS, indicating in the content that the application form and related attachments have been uploaded separately on the online application system.
3. Explanation of Application Types:
(1) Academic Research Group: Emphasizes supporting academic conferences with original or forward-looking themes, especially encouraging interdisciplinary academic research topics.
(2) Classic Reading Workshop: Limited to supporting academic reading gatherings with targeted outcomes related to classic or original materials.
4. Eligibility:
(1) Convener: Must hold the qualification of Assistant Professor, Research Assistant Professor, or above in the fields of humanities and social sciences at domestic public or private universities or research institutions.
(2) Members and Speakers: Must be teaching or research personnel in the fields of humanities and social sciences at domestic or international public or private universities or research institutions (including retired personnel, project/contract teachers, adjunct professors or lecturers with a doctoral degree, postdoctoral researchers, and doctoral candidates), or individuals with relevant practical experience in the respective fields.
五、詳細作業要點、線上申請及相關須知等資訊,請詳閱國科會人社中心補助學術研究群暨經典研讀班網頁說明。 4. Please refer to the RIHSS webpage instructions for detailed operational guidelines, online application, and relevant information.