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  • 【補助申請Subsidy Application】國科會人社中心「跨領域研究計畫之前置規劃案」,全年開放受理申請。RIHSS subsidy Pre-Proposals for Multidisciplinary Research Projects accepting applications throughout the year.

【補助申請Subsidy Application】國科會人社中心「跨領域研究計畫之前置規劃案」,全年開放受理申請。RIHSS subsidy Pre-Proposals for Multidisciplinary Research Projects accepting applications throughout the year.

刊登日期:2024 年 03 月 01 日
國科會人社中心「跨領域研究計畫之前置規劃案」 RIHSS Subsidy Pre-Proposals for Multidisciplinary Research Projects
1. Application Methods:
(1) Application Timeline: Please submit your application to RIHSS three months prior to the planned commencement date of the project. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
(2) Eligibility: The principal investigator should be a scholar with qualifications for applying to NSTC project research program, with preference given to scholars in the field of humanities and social sciences.
(3) Performance Evaluation: Upon completion of the project, a final report must be submitted, and an application for an integrated project research program from NSTC should be made.
二、詳細作業要點、線上申請等資訊,請詳閱國科會人社中心跨領域研究計畫之前置規劃案網頁說明。 2. Please refer to the RIHSS webpage instructions for detailed operational guidelines, online application, and relevant information.