- 發布單位: 中華民國農科園區產學協會
- Issuing institution:Academia-Industry Consortium for Agricultural Biotechnology Park
- 訊息內容: 敬邀學者專家踴躍參與「114年度輔導農科園區事業產學加值暨推動產業提升計畫」並提供專長資料表(詳如附件)。
- Content:We cordially invite scholars and experts to actively participate in the "Industry-Academia Value-Added Counseling for Agricultural Science Parks and Promoting Industrial Enhancement Project" for the year 2025. Please provide your expertise profile.
- 有意願參與計畫之教師請於114年4月30日(星期三)前逕至協會網站填寫「輔導專家資料表」(網址:http://www.rocaic.org/service2.php),並提供「資料使用同意書」(網址:http://www.rocaic.org/service3.php)。
- Teachers who are willing to participate in the project are kindly requested to fill out the "Counseling Expert Information Form" (website: http://www.rocaic.org/service2.php) before April 30, 2025 (Wednesday). Additionally, please provide the "Data Usage Consent Form" (website: http://www.rocaic.org/service3.php).