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  • 【國際交流International Exchange】國科會人社中心「國際交流」,全年徵件。RIHSS of NSTC international exchange accepts applications throughout the year.

【國際交流International Exchange】國科會人社中心「國際交流」,全年徵件。RIHSS of NSTC international exchange accepts applications throughout the year.

刊登日期:2024 年 04 月 28 日
國科會人社中心「國際交流」 RIHSS of NSTC international exchange.
1.受理日期:全年徵件。申請人應於預計報到日四個月前提出申請。 1. Acceptance Periods: Applications are accepted on all year around and shall be received at least four months prior to the beginning of the proposed date of visit.
2.申請方式:以電子郵件將申請資料寄至國科會人社中心承辦人信箱。 2. Application Methods: Please e-mail all necessary materials to RIHSS of NSTC.
3.詳細作業要點、申請表及相關須知等資訊,請詳閱國科會人社中心「國際交流」網頁說明。 3. Please refer to the RIHSS of NSTC international exchange webpage instructions for detailed operational guidelines, application form, and relevant information.