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  • 【玉山學者申請Yushan Fellow Program】113年度教育部玉山學者計畫第2次受理申請,請依本計畫延攬人才之資格條件推薦學者及依說明事項辦理,並檢附申請資料中英文紙本1式1份及電子檔經所屬單位主管核章後於113年8月1日下午5時前逕送研發處學術發展組。The second round of applications for the 2024 Yushan Fellow Program is now open.,Deadline is 5 PM on August 1st

【玉山學者申請Yushan Fellow Program】113年度教育部玉山學者計畫第2次受理申請,請依本計畫延攬人才之資格條件推薦學者及依說明事項辦理,並檢附申請資料中英文紙本1式1份及電子檔經所屬單位主管核章後於113年8月1日下午5時前逕送研發處學術發展組。The second round of applications for the 2024 Yushan Fellow Program is now open.,Deadline is 5 PM on August 1st

刊登日期:2024 年 07 月 03 日
The second round of applications for the 2024 Yushan Fellow Program is now open. (as notified in Letter No. 1130801899 dated July 5, 2024) (Please refer to attachment 1)

From now until August 1st, the paper application form (must be signed) and Electronic files of supporting documents should be sent to the Division of Academic Development at the Office of Research and Development
 before August 1st (Please refer to attachment 2)
The second round of applications for the 2024 Yushan Fellow Program is now open.
1. 曾服務於國際一流學術研究機構或國際知名公司任職十年以上,具國際學術聲譽或具掌握達國際領先水準之核心技術,並有領導學術或產業研究團隊之經驗。
2. 曾獲得諾貝爾獎、國家級研究院院士、國際重要學會會士或相當等級之獎項。
3. 近五年之學術或產業貢獻於所屬領域表現卓越。
1. 曾服務於國際一流學術研究機構或國際知名公司任職五年以上,並具有發展潛力。
2. 有執行重大研究計畫之經驗。
3. 近五年之學術貢獻於所屬領域表現優異。
Yushan Fellow
Applicants must meet one of the following criteria:
  • The person has worked at a leading international research institution or an internationally renowned company for at least ten years, has an international academic reputation or cutting-edge expertise in a core technology, and has experience leading an academic or industry research team;
  • The person is a recipient of a Nobel Prize, a fellow of a national academy, or of a major international association, or has received some equivalent recognition;
  • The person has made an outstanding contribution in their academic or industry field in the past five years.
Yushan Young Fellow

Applicants must have received their highest academic qualification within the last 10 years or is 45 years old or younger and meets one of the following criteria:
  • The person has worked at a leading international research institution or an internationally renowned company for at least five years and has great potential;
  • The person has experience conducting major research projects;
  • The person has made an exceptional contribution in their area of academic expertise in the past five years.
World-class Scholar
It refers to any scholar who meets one of the criteria listed above for Yushan Fellows and Yushan Young Fellows but did not pass the selection review. They have the capacity to develop further and have been, or will be, appointed by the university and receive a flexible salary and benefits with funding from the Higher Education SPROUT Project, or using other independently-raised funds (the university shall provide clear details in its application).
Yushan Fellows and Yushan Young Fellows must not currently hold tenure positions in Taiwan (excluding personnel with service duration of less than one year) or be retired personnel at domestic universities or academic research institutions, and must not apply for subsidies (flexible salaries) provided by the Ministry of Education (MOE).
Subsidy Item
Yushan Fellow
  • In addition to the statutory salary, up to NT $5 million (additional salary) each year is approved for a period of 3 years. If a person is on a short-term exchange, the amount is proportionate to the length of time they work at the university.
  • Provision of up to NT$ 1.5 million each year for academic exchanges and work expenses is approved for a period of 3 years.These funds may be used for expenses associated with their undertaking teaching, research, international academic exchanges, and work associated with their plan
Yushan Young Fellow
  • In addition to the statutory salary, an annual additional salary of up to NT$1.5 million is approved for a period of 5 years. 
  • Provision of up to NT$ 1.5 million each year for academic exchanges and work expenses is approved for a period of 5 years.
    This funding may be used for any expenses associated with teaching, research, international academic exchanges, and work undertaken by a fellow as they implement their plan. 
World-class Scholar
  • The Ministry will conduct audits of universities, regarding how their recruitment of world-class scholars relates to each university's development and the supportive measures, and select outstanding universities. The Ministry will separately approve provision of up to NT$1.5 million for academic exchanges and work expenses for a period of one year for each world-class scholar at each such a university, and the university may allocate this funding among those scholars. 
Passing Criteria
  • A Yushan Fellow’s academic skills and ability shall at least be of the standard required to win an Academic Award (學術獎)from the Ministry. 
  • A Yushan Young Fellow shall have academic ability of the standard required to win to win a Wu Ta-You Memorial Award (吳大猷先生紀念獎) from the National Science and Technology Council, or the potential to do so in future.
  • A Yushan Fellow who has made significant contributions to industry research and development shall at least meet the criteria to receive a Ministry of Education National Award for Distinguished Contribution to Industry-Academia Cooperation (國家產學大師獎)
Acceptance date and application method:
From now until 5 PM on August 1st. Please submit the hard copy application form (stamped by the Department Chair and the Dean of the College) and the electronic file of the thesis to the Academic Development Section of the Research and Development Office by August 1st.
For detailed regulations, please refer to the Ministry of Education's Yushan Fellow Programwebpage.
For the format of the Yushan Fellow Program proposal and the application regulations both within and outside the institution, please refer to the attachments on this webpage.
Accept official documents
Attachment 1- 2024 Yushan Fellow Program Operation Directions
Attachment 2- National Chung Hsing University Recruitment Regulations for International Top Talent
Attachment 3- 2024 Yushan Fellow Program Application
  Contact information:
National Chung Hsing University
the Division of Academic Development at the Office of Research and Development
(Ms. Li-Ying Yang)




