【臺綜大博士生跨校研究獎勵案/ 114年8月13日截止】TCUS Directions for Encouraging Doctoral Student Inter-University Research awards,Deadline August 13, 2025
刊登日期:2025 年 02 月 17 日
TCUS Directions for Encouraging Doctoral Student Inter-University Research awards has been announced and is now accepting applications (as notified in Letter No. 1140800287 dated January 13, 2025)
(Please refer to attachment 1)
From now until August 13, the paper application form (must be signed) and Electronic files of supporting documents should be sent to the Division of Academic Development at the Office of Research and Development
(Please refer to attachment 2)
Please refer to the following content for relevant application forms
TCUS Directions for Encouraging Doctoral Student Inter-University Research awards has been announced and is now accepting applications (as notified in Letter No. 1140800287 dated January 13, 2025)
(Please refer to attachment 1)
From now until August 13, the paper application form (must be signed) and Electronic files of supporting documents should be sent to the Division of Academic Development at the Office of Research and Development
(Please refer to attachment 2)
Please refer to the following content for relevant application forms
獎勵申請公告:114年臺灣綜合大學系統跨校研究獎勵申請案 | Award Application Announcement Taiwan Comprehensive University System(TCUS) Directions for Encouraging Doctoral Student Inter-University Research awards |
一、截止期限:114年8月13日 | 1. Deadline: August 13 , 2025 |
二、申請資格: 1.臺綜大系統(國立成功大學、國立中山大學、國立中正大學及國立中興大學)各校已註冊具學籍之博士班學生,且由臺綜大系統二校以上專任助理教授以上教師共同指導,其主要指導教授為申請人之校內教師。 2. 申請獎勵之研究成果,博士生須為第一作者或通訊作者,(共同)指導教授須列名共同作者。 |
2. Eligibility Requirements: These directions are applicable to registered students in doctoral degree programs of schools in the TCUS system(National Cheng Kung University, National Sun Yat-sen University, National Chung Hsing University and National Chung Cheng University)and their doctoral advisors and co-advisors. Doctoral students applying for the rewards must be co-advised by full-time assistant professors or higher from two or more schools in the TCUS system, and the main advisor must be a faculty member from the same university as the applicant. The doctoral student must be the first author or the corresponding author for the research results applying for rewards; advisors or co-advisors must be listed as co-authors. |
三、獎勵區間: 須自113年8月1日起至114年7月31日博士生研究成果發表(或接受)於Scopus或Web of Science資料庫收錄之期刊論文(以排名Q1優先推薦),且尚未申請過本獎勵者。 |
3. Award Period: The encouragement rewards in these directions shall be granted for the results of research by doctoral students published (or accepted for publication) on Scopus or Web of Science databases (an SJR value of Q1 receives priority for recommendation). Awarded paper publication (or acceptance for publication) interval:From August 1, 2024, to July 31, 2025 |
四、獎助經費及使用規定 每篇期刊論文獎勵最高新臺幣參萬元整,每年獎勵名額與核發金額,得視年度經費情形彈性調整。 1.本獎勵金由指導教授、共同指導教授與博士班學生平均分配,每位並頒發獎狀乙紙。 2.每位博士班學生至多以領取二次獎勵金為限。 3.期刊論文如為臺綜大系統獎勵跨校短期研究計畫成果一部分,且已獲跨校短期研究獎勵,指導教授或共同指導教授不得參與本獎勵金之分配。 |
4. Funding and regulations The highest reward for each published paper is NT$30,000, and the number of rewards issued and the reward amounts are subject to be adjusted according to the budget of each year. (I) The criteria for the issuing of rewards are as follows: The rewards will be divided equally among the advisor, the co-advisor, and the doctoral student, and each person will receive a certificate. (II) Each doctoral student may receive the reward a maximum of two times. (III) The advisor or co-advisor may not receive rewards if the paper is a part of the results of the encouragement of inter-university short-term research project of TCUS and has been rewarded for inter-university short-term research. |
五、申請方式: 檢送資料如下: 1.「申請表」(需簽名) 2.學術期刊接受函 3.論文首頁(申請人、指導教授及共同指導教授姓名請highlight標示) 4. JCR排名資料 5.提供佐證資料電子檔 將上述資料送至本校研究發展處學術發展組,電子檔(含word及PDF)請傳送至楊麗螢小姐liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw |
5.Application Method: Please submit the following documents:
Please send the electronic files (both Word and PDF) to Ms.Yang Email:liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw. |
六、本校承辦人:研究發展處學術組楊麗螢小姐,校內分機550#303,電子信箱liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw | 6.Contact information: National Chung Hsing University the Division of Academic Development at the Office of Research and Development (Ms. Li-Ying Yang) E-mail:liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw |