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  • 【轉知/學倫講座Academic Ethics Lecture】陽明交大舉辦「學術倫理專題講座」(中文講座),歡迎報名參加。NYCU will hold a lecture " Academic Ethics and Research Integrity Speech " (Full Chinese Speech), welcome to sign up.

【轉知/學倫講座Academic Ethics Lecture】陽明交大舉辦「學術倫理專題講座」(中文講座),歡迎報名參加。NYCU will hold a lecture " Academic Ethics and Research Integrity Speech " (Full Chinese Speech), welcome to sign up.

刊登日期:2024 年 08 月 30 日
講者:孫以瀚 研究員(中研院分子生物研究所研究員、國家衛生研究院分子與基因醫學研究所名譽研究員) Speaker:
Dr. Y. Henry Sun
Investigator Emeritus
Institute of Molecular and Genomic Medicine
新竹場次:113年9月18日(三) 10:30-12:30。
台北場次:113年10月3日(四) 10:30-12:30。
Date & Time:
Hsinchu Session: Wednesday, September 18, 2024, from 10:30 to 12:30 (Registration: 10:00)
Taipei Session: Thursday, October 3, 2024, from 10:30 to 12:30 (Registration: 10:00)
Registration URL:
Hsinchu Session: https://reurl.cc/NlRQMq
Taipei Session: https://reurl.cc/5dpvAM
研習時數:活動當日完成簽到與簽退並符合規定者,將核發教育部臺灣學術倫理教育資源中心研習證書2小時;具公務人員身分者,亦可認列終身學習時數2小時。電子研習證書將發送至報名填寫之電子信箱。 Participants with full attendance will receive a certificate of completion for 2 hours from AREE. AREE will send the PDF file of the certificate of completion to your email address.
※本校教研人員全程參與課程並取得研習證明者,請將證明文件影本送至研發處學術組備查,得採計本校學術倫理研習時數2小時。 ※Researchers from NCHU who participate in the entire course and obtain a workshop certificate can submit a copy of the certificate to the Academic Development Division of the Research and Development Office for record. 2 hours of academic ethics education hours at NCHU will be credited.
For more information, please refer to the event webpage announcement, website link:  
Hsinchu Session: https://ethics.moe.edu.tw/activity/detail/222/
Taipei Session: