【國科會博士生研究獎學金NSTC-GRF】114年「國科會甄選類」,自113年10月1日起至113年10月31日止至國科會線上系統提出申請"NSTC Selection 2025", application period is from October 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024.
刊登日期:2024 年 09 月 10 日1.依據「國家科學及技術委員會博士生研究獎學金試辦方案-甄選類」辦理。(附件2) | 1. Handled in accordance with the " National Science and Technology Council Graduate Research Fellowship Pilot Program—NSTC Selection”. (Attachment 3) |
2.獎勵對象及請領資格:114年2月或9月註冊入學就讀之博士班一年級新生,且非屬下列情形之一: (1)於公私立機構從事專職全時之有給職工作或以在職生身分報考者。 (2)以香港、澳門及大陸地區學生身分入學者。 (3)錄取後辦理休學、保留入學資格或未完成註冊者。 (4)已支領同屬政府部門獎學金性質經費者。 |
2. Recipient Eligibility and Qualifications: First year doctoral students who enroll and begin their studies in February and September 2025. The following individuals are not eligible to receive this fellowship: (1) Those who are engaged in full-time paid employment in public or private sectors or who apply for admission as part-time students possessing responsibilities related to employment. (2) Students with statuses from Hong Kong, Macau, and Mainland China. (3) Those who have applied for leave of absence and retained their admission eligibility or have not completed registration after admission. (4) Those who are concurrently in receipt of scholarship or subsidy offered by the ROC government. |
3.獎勵金額及期限: 每名博士生每月獎學金四萬元,自博士班一年級起獎勵三年;於三年內畢業者,獎勵至畢業當月為止。 |
3. Amount and Duration: Each fellowship recipient will be granted a monthly stipend of NT$40,000 for a period of up to 3 years, starting from the first year of the Ph.D. program. Stipend for those who graduate less than three years shall last until the month of graduation. |
4.申請程序:申請人於113年10月1日至113年10月31日至國科會網站線上登錄並上傳文件。 國科會網站: https://arspb.nstc.gov.tw/NSCWeb/slogin.jsp |
4. Submission Period and Procedure:Applicants should log in and upload the required documents on the NSTC website from October 1, 2024, to October 31, 2024. NSTC website: https://arspb.nstc.gov.tw/NSCWeb/slogin.jsp?LANG=eng |
5.審查結果預定公告日期:114年1月24日 | 5. Scheduled announcement date of the review results:January 24, 2025 |
6.國科會公告網址: (1)國科會科教國合處最新公告: https://www.nstc.gov.tw/sci/ch/detail/adebe1f8-949e-43be-9226-3790cde6d7e7 (2)國科會計畫徵求專區: https://www.nstc.gov.tw/folksonomy/rfpDetail/000b78ed-309e-4819-ba14-0c05f71394a9?l=ch |
6. National Science and Technology Council announcement website: (1) https://www.nstc.gov.tw/sci/ch/detail/adebe1f8-949e-43be-9226-3790cde6d7e7 (2) https://www.nstc.gov.tw/folksonomy/rfpDetail/000b78ed-309e-4819-ba14-0c05f71394a9?l=ch |
7.聯絡資訊 (1)試辦方案諮詢專線: (02)2737-8136,電郵2023nstcgrf@nstc.gov.tw (2)系統操作諮詢專線: (02)2737-7590、(02)2737-7591、(02)2737-7592 |
7. Contact information: (1) NSTC Pilot Program: (02)2737-8136,Email:2023nstcgrf@nstc.gov.tw (2) System operation consultation: (02)2737-7590、(02)2737-7591、(02)2737-7592 |