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  • 【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】113年度委託研究「少子化趨勢下臺北市建構友善育兒環境應對策略及目標管理精進之研究」案,截止申請日12月16日止。" Research on Taipei City's response strategies to build a friendly childcare environment and improvement of target management under the trend of declining birthrate ".

【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】113年度委託研究「少子化趨勢下臺北市建構友善育兒環境應對策略及目標管理精進之研究」案,截止申請日12月16日止。" Research on Taipei City's response strategies to build a friendly childcare environment and improvement of target management under the trend of declining birthrate ".

刊登日期:2024 年 12 月 04 日
  1. -委辦/補助單位: 臺北市政府研究發展考核委員會
  1. Funding institution: Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Taipei City Government
  1. 計畫主題:少子化趨勢下臺北市建構友善育兒環境應對策略及目標管理精進之研究
  1. Project topic: Research on Taipei City's response strategies to build a friendly childcare environment and improvement of target management under the trend of declining birthrate
  1. 申請截止時間:113年12月16日1700時止
  1. Deadline: December 16, 2024, 5:00 PM
  1. 申請方式:公開徵求研究計畫書相關申請資訊請至政府電子採購網站(http://web.pcc.gov.tw)查詢及參與徵選。
  1. How to apply: For application information related to the public solicitation of research proposals, please go to the government electronic procurement website (http://web.pcc.gov.tw) to inquire and participate in the selection.