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  • 【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】國科會2025年度臺日青年科技人才交流(日本臺灣交流協會訪日研究活動)-選送博士生赴日研究案,校內截止日:114年2月21日上午10時。”NSTC 2025 Annual Taiwan-Japan Youth Science and Technology Talent Exchange ,the internal deadline:February 21, 2025, 10:00 AM.

【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】國科會2025年度臺日青年科技人才交流(日本臺灣交流協會訪日研究活動)-選送博士生赴日研究案,校內截止日:114年2月21日上午10時。”NSTC 2025 Annual Taiwan-Japan Youth Science and Technology Talent Exchange ,the internal deadline:February 21, 2025, 10:00 AM.

刊登日期:2024 年 12 月 05 日
1.委辦/補助單位:國科會 1.Funding institution: National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
2.計畫主題:國科會2025年度臺日青年科技人才交流(日本臺灣交流協會訪日研究活動)-選送博士生赴日研究案 2.Call for Proposals: NSTC 2025 Annual Taiwan-Japan Youth Science and Technology Talent Exchange
3.校內申請截止時間:114221日上午10 3.The internal deadline: February 21, 2025, 10:00 AM.
4.How to apply: Applications must be completed online via the ”Academic Research Service Portal” on the homepage of National Science and Technology Council.
*Important Notes:
This program is funded by the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association and is available to students of the natural sciences field who are currently enrolled and hold Republic of China nationality. The research or investigation in Japan must take place between May 26, 2025, and March 20, 2026, for a period of at least 30 days but not exceeding 60 days.
5.Contact person for NSTC:
(1)Application content:Mr. Hu ,
    Tel:(02) 2737-7683
(2) System problems TEL:0800-212-058,(02) 2737-7590、7591、7592
6. Please refer to the attachment and the following URL for relevant regulations.