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  • 【國科會博士生研究獎學金】113年「國科會甄選類-缺額」受理申請日期至114年1月10日止。 NSTC Graduate Research Fellowship-“NSTC Selection 2024" application for unfilled positions, deadline January 10, 2025.

【國科會博士生研究獎學金】113年「國科會甄選類-缺額」受理申請日期至114年1月10日止。 NSTC Graduate Research Fellowship-“NSTC Selection 2024" application for unfilled positions, deadline January 10, 2025.

刊登日期:2024 年 12 月 10 日
NSTC Graduate Research Fellowship-“NSTC Selection 2024" application for unfilled positions, deadline January 10, 2025.

1.本項徵求案係依「國家科學及技術委員會博士生研究獎學金試辦方案」辦理,旨為充實科研人才基盤及儲備核心戰略產業人才,獎勵拔尖、具有研究潛力之博士生,支持其專心從事研究工作。 1. ”The NSTC Graduate Research Fellowship Pilot Program” is established by the National Science and Technology Council (hereinafter referred to as NSTC), aiming to build a solid foundation of research talents and reserve talents for core strategic industries. The program awards outstanding first year Ph.D. students who have demonstrated their potential for significant research contributions and supports them to pursue full-time doctoral degree.  
2. Recipient Eligibility and Qualifications:
First year doctoral students who enroll and begin their studies in February or September 2024. The following individuals are not eligible to receive this fellowship:
(1) Those who are engaged in full-time paid employment in public or private sectors or who apply for admission as part-time students possessing responsibilities related to employment.
(2) Students with statuses from Hong Kong, Macau, and Mainland China.
(3) Those who have applied for leave of absence and retained their admission eligibility or have not completed registration after admission.
(4) Those who are concurrently in receipt of scholarship or subsidy offered by the ROC government.
3. Amount and Duration:
(1)Award Quota:88;however, the number might not be met if not all candidates are qualified.
(2)Duration:The fellowship will be awarded for a period of up to 3 years, starting from Sep. 1 2024. Stipend for those who graduate less than three years shall last until the month of graduation.
4. 114年甄選期程:
4. Timeline of 2025 Period and Procedure:
(1) On-line Application: Applicants should log in and upload the required documents on the NSTC website from December 1, 2024, to 12.p.m. January 10, 2025.
(2) Announcement of Awardee: Feb. 27, 2025.
NSTC Academic Research Portal:
5. Contact information:
(1) NSTC Pilot Program:
(2) System operation consultation:
6. National Science and Technology Council announcement website: