- 委辦/補助單位:衛生福利部
- Funding institution: Ministry of Health and Welfare
- 計畫主題: 114-115年度藥癮者社區復健方案布建及服務品質提升計畫
- Project topic: 2025-2026 Community Rehabilitation Program for Drug Addicts and Service Quality Improvement Plan
- 申請截止時間:113年12月31日170
- Deadline: December 31, 2024, 5:00 PM
The internal deadline: December 26, 2024, 10:00 AM
- 申請方式:欲申請計畫者,請至衛生福利部心理健康司網站 ( https://dep.mohw.gov.tw/domhaoh/ )查閱徵求資訊,並請於113年12月26日前將申請計畫書一式8份(其中1份請勿裝訂)及相關文件送計畫業務組備函辦理,逾期不予受理。
- How to apply: Those who wish to apply for the program, please visit the website of the Department of Mental Health of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (https://dep.mohw.gov.tw/domhaoh/) to view the solicitation information, and please submit a copy of the application plan before December 26, 2014. 8 copies (please do not bind one copy) and related documents should be sent to the Planning and Business Group for processing. Late submissions will not be accepted.