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  • 【獎項申請Application for Awards】2025年「中央研究院年輕學者研究成果獎」,114年1月20日前受理線上申請。2025 Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award Accepting Applications from December 20, 2024 to January 20, 2025.

【獎項申請Application for Awards】2025年「中央研究院年輕學者研究成果獎」,114年1月20日前受理線上申請。2025 Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award Accepting Applications from December 20, 2024 to January 20, 2025.

刊登日期:2024 年 12 月 20 日
(1) 5年內在國內任職期間發表之代表著作至多3篇,不含學位論文,不以中文為限。若為學位論文擴充或修改後發表之著作,申請人須提供說明其擴充或修改內容及創新性,並經審查委員會審查通過,始得列為代表著作。
(2) 5年內研究出版品目錄。
(3) 推薦函2封。
(4) 非中研院人員需提供現職所屬機關之服務證明文件及博士學位證書。三、有意申請者,請於114年1月20日前至中研院學術服務管理系統(網址:https://asms.sinica.edu.tw/ )登錄申請資料。如為申請數理科學組及生命科學組者(含跨領域科學),請務必登入英文介面(點選申請系統首頁右上角 「English」 操作),並以英文填寫相關資料。
  1. Applicants should submit all application materials (including up to three representative publications published during their employment at any Taiwanese institution in the past five years, two letters of recommendation, a list of research publications in the past five years, etc.) online. The online system will not accept any application beyond the deadline. Website: https://asms.sinica.edu.tw/
  2. If the applicant is not an Academia Sinica faculty member, a certificate of employment issued by the current employer and Ph.D. degree certificate should be submitted online.
  3. Eligibility for the Award: Applicants with Ph.D. degrees and who meet the following requirements are eligible to apply.
  1. Applicants with full-time positions as Assistant Research Fellows, Assistant Professors, or equivalent positions who have been employed for less than eight years (eligible applicants should start their first appointment no earlier than August 1, 2016). Applicants may defer the period for two years for each childbirth or parental leave.
  2. Applicants must be employed full-time at a domestic academic research institution or domestic public or private university or college (postdoctoral positions not included).
  1. The Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award confers up to three awardees annually in each of the following Divisions: Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Humanities and Social Sciences. An additional awardee for interdisciplinary science may be added if necessary. Applicants for the Mathematics and Physical Sciences and the Life Sciences (including interdisciplinary science) please log in to the English interface by clicking “English” in the upper right corner of the Academic Service and Management System, and fill in all information in English.
  2. For detailed application information and forms, please refer to the Academia Sinica's website announcement.https://asms.sinica.edu.tw/News/Detail?n=76