【法規修訂Regulations Amendment】修正「國立中興大學建教合作收入之收支管理要點」Revision of the "Guidelines for the Revenue and Expenditure Management of Industry-Academia Collaboration Income at NCHU."
【法規修訂Regulations Amendment】修正「國立中興大學建教合作收入之收支管理要點」Revision of the "Guidelines for the Revenue and Expenditure Management of Industry-Academia Collaboration Income at NCHU."
刊登日期:2025 年 01 月 13 日
發布單位: 研發處計畫業務組
Issuing institution: Office of Research and Development, Project Affairs Division
訊息內容: 修正「國立中興大學建教合作收入之收支管理要點」
Content: Revision of the "Guidelines for the Revenue and Expenditure Management of Industry-Academia Collaboration Income at National Chung Hsing University."