【轉知/法規修訂Regulations Amendment】修正「客家委員會客家知識體系發展獎勵補助計畫作業要點」第5點、第7點,自即日生效。Amendments to Points 5 and 7 of the "Hakka Affairs Council Hakka Knowledge System Development Incentive Subsidy Program Operation Guidelines" will take effect immediately.
【轉知/法規修訂Regulations Amendment】修正「客家委員會客家知識體系發展獎勵補助計畫作業要點」第5點、第7點,自即日生效。Amendments to Points 5 and 7 of the "Hakka Affairs Council Hakka Knowledge System Development Incentive Subsidy Program Operation Guidelines" will take effect immediately.
Content: Amendments to Points 5 and 7 of the "Hakka Affairs Council Hakka Knowledge System Development Incentive Subsidy Program Operation Guidelines" will take effect immediately.