【獎項申請Application for Awards】「第二十一屆永信李天德醫藥科技獎」,線上申請自114年3月1日起至4月15日止。"The 21th Evergent Tien-Te Lee Medical Science and Technology Award" Online Application Open from March 1 to April 15, 2025.
刊登日期:2025 年 02 月 12 日財團法人永信李天德醫藥基金會 | The Tien-Te Lee Biomedical Foundation |
時間:114年3月1日起至4月15日止。 | Period: From March 1 to April 15, 2025. |
申請方式: 1.「線上報名」申請帳號,填寫申請表單,網址連結:https://award.ttlbf.org.tw/ 2.「推薦書」正本,於申請截止日114年4月15日前(郵戳為憑),以掛號郵寄至43744台中市大甲區成功路325號 財團法人永信李天德醫藥基金會 ※如欲由校長推薦申請者,請填寫校內推薦表(如附檔),併同申請資料(紙本,請勿裝訂)於114年4月7日(一)下午5時前送達研發處學術組彙整,俟簽請校長同意推薦並親簽後,辦理用印及函寄。 |
Application Method: 1."Online Registration": Apply for an account, fill out the application form. Website link: https://award.ttlbf.org.tw/ 2."Letter of Recommendation": Send the document by registered mail (postmarked before April 15, 2023) to the Foundation at the following address: No. 325, Chenggong Road, Dajia District, Taichung City 43744, Tien-Te Lee Biomedical Foundation. ※If the applicant wishes to be recommended by the University President, please complete the internal recommendation form (see attached) and submit it along with the application materials (in hard copy, unbound) to the Academic Division of the Office of Research and Development by 5:00 PM on Monday, April 7, 2025. After obtaining the President’s approval and signature, the documents will be processed for official stamping and mailing. |
獎項內容:具中華民國國民並符合申請資格,擇一獎項提出申請。 【卓越醫藥科技獎】 【青年醫藥科技獎】 【傑出論文獎】 |
Award Categories: Citizens of the Republic of China who meet the qualifications are eligible to apply for one of the following awards: - "Outstanding Medical Science and Technology Award" - "Young Medical Science and Technology Award" - "Outstanding Thesis Award" |
詳細資訊請詳閱甄選辦法說明,網址:https://award.ttlbf.org.tw/ | For detailed information, please refer to the selection guidelines at the following website: https://award.ttlbf.org.tw/ |