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  • 【計畫徵求Program Application】台綜大跨校短期研究計畫,校內申請截止日為114年3月25日中午12時止. / Application open for TCUS Encouraging Cross-University Short-Term Collaborative Research. Application deadline is noon of March 25, 2024.

【計畫徵求Program Application】台綜大跨校短期研究計畫,校內申請截止日為114年3月25日中午12時止. / Application open for TCUS Encouraging Cross-University Short-Term Collaborative Research. Application deadline is noon of March 25, 2024.

刊登日期:2025 年 02 月 18 日
1.Any short-term collaborative research carried out in compliance with the aforementioned provision shall encompass the following:
 (I) Research projects
 (II) Research and development of specific technologies
2.The duration of short-term collaborative research shall be between two to six months.
3.The following items are eligible for incentives
 (I) Incentives: Up to NT$30,000 per month and up to NT$60,000 for the duration of the collaborative research.
 (II) Research materials, data collection, and other related expenses: Up to NT$20,000 per month and up to NT$100,000 for the duration of the collaborative research.
4.The terms and conditions for TCUS Encouraging Cross-University Short-Term Collaborative Research and application form is enclosed.
5. Application form (2 paper copy and 1 CD) be submitted before noon of April 18, 2025.