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  • 【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】中央研究院115年度中研學者計畫,自即日起至4月22日截止申請。The application period for the Academia Sinica Scholars Program for the year 115 is open from now until April 22st.

【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】中央研究院115年度中研學者計畫,自即日起至4月22日截止申請。The application period for the Academia Sinica Scholars Program for the year 115 is open from now until April 22st.

刊登日期:2025 年 02 月 21 日
  1. 委辦/補助單位:中央研究院
  1. Funding institution: Academia Sinica
  1. 計畫主題: 115年度中研學者計畫
  1. Project topic: The 115th Academia Sinica Scholar Program
  1. 校內申請截止時間:114年4月22日下午5時
  1. The internal deadline: April 22, 2025, 5:00 PM
  1. 申請方式:本計畫採推薦制,每校至多推薦5名,欲申請者請於 114年4月22日前E-MAIL申請表(表格如附件)至本校研發處計畫業務組呂小姐(mllu@nchu.edu.tw)提出申請。獲推薦人須於同年4月30日前於中央研究院學術服務管理系統(網址:http://asms.sinica.edu.tw/)完成線上申請程序。
  1. How to apply: This project operates on a recommendation basis, with each school able to recommend up to 5 candidates. Applicants who wish to apply are requested to email the application form (attached) to Ms. Lu of the Project Business Unit at our school's Research and Development Office (mllu@nchu.edu.tw) before April 22, 114. Recommended candidates must complete the online application process on the Academic Service Management System of the Central Research Institute (website: http://asms.sinica.edu.tw/) before April 30 of the same year.