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  • 【轉知/獎項申請Award Application】海洋教育推手獎「團體獎」及「個人獎」遴選,校內申請截止時間114年5月23日(星期五)下午5時前。Selection of the "Promoter of Marine Education Award" (Group Award & Individual Award) – Internal Application Deadline: May 23, 2025 (Friday) at 5:00 PM.

【轉知/獎項申請Award Application】海洋教育推手獎「團體獎」及「個人獎」遴選,校內申請截止時間114年5月23日(星期五)下午5時前。Selection of the "Promoter of Marine Education Award" (Group Award & Individual Award) – Internal Application Deadline: May 23, 2025 (Friday) at 5:00 PM.

刊登日期:2025 年 03 月 12 日
  1. 資助單位:教育部
  1. Funding institution: MOE
  1. 獎勵名稱:洋教育推手獎「團體獎」及「個人獎」
  1. Award name: Promoter of Marine Education Award (Group Award & Individual Award)
  1. 校內申請截止時間:
  1. 請欲由學校推薦者於114年5月2日(五)下午17時前,請先來電與本組承辦人盧小姐(校內分機550轉302)聯繫確認名額,如超過件數,將召開審查會議後推薦之。
  2. 請填寫校內推薦表(附件1),併同獎項推薦表、相關證明文件及佐證書面資料等各1份(紙本及電子檔光碟)於114年5月23日(星期五)下午5時前送至本組彙整(請勿裝訂),俟校內行政程序完成及用印後,通知被推薦人並辦理掛號郵寄作業。
  1. The internal deadline:
  1. Applicants seeking nomination by the university must first contact Ms. Lu, the responsible officer of our division, at extension 550-302 before May 2, 2025 (Friday) at 5:00 PM to confirm the availability of nomination slots. If the number of applications exceeds the limit, a review meeting will be held to determine the final nominees.
  2. Applicants must complete the Internal Recommendation Form (Attachment 1) and submit it along with the official award nomination form, relevant supporting documents, and proof materials (one hard copy and one electronic copy on a CD) to our division by May 23, 2025 (Friday) at 5:00 PM. Please do not bind the documents. Once the internal administrative procedures and official endorsements are completed, the nominated individuals will be notified, and registered mail processing will be arranged.
  1. 相關資訊及歷屆獲獎名錄等,請至臺灣海洋教育中心網站「海洋教育推手獎」專區瀏覽參閱。網址:https://tmec.ntou.edu.tw/p/412-1016-6276.php?Lang=zh-tw
  1. For related information and the list of past award recipients, please visit the Taiwan Marine Education Center website’s "Promoter of Marine Education Award" section. Website Link: https://tmec.ntou.edu.tw/p/412-1016-6276.php?Lang=zh-tw