【學倫講座Academic Ethics Lecture】113年4月23日(二)「論文寫作字斟且句酌!掌握著作權與學術倫理之分際」,歡迎報名參加。April 23, 2024 (Tuesday)
刊登日期:2024 年 04 月 11 日一、時間:113年4月23日(二) 上午10:10-12:00。
【Academic Ethics Lecture】 The Seminar on Copyright and Academic Ethics, welcome to sign up.
1.Date: April 23, 2024 (Tuesday) 10:10 AM - 12:00 PM
2.Venue: Multimedia Center, 3rd Floor, Library, National Chung Hsing University
3.Speaker: Professor Chen Lung-sheng from the Department of Law at National Chengchi University
4.Registration Website: http://cal.lib.nchu.edu.tw/?defcoid=1523
5.Event Information:
(1)Participants who attend the entire session and complete the sign-in and sign-out process will be issued a certificate for 2 hours of academic ethics training. Partial hours will not be granted for late arrival or early departure.
(2)The certificate for academic ethics training will be electronically generated within 2 weeks after the lecture and will be sent via email notification. Please download and archive it securely, as no reissuance will be provided in case of loss.
(3)The course will provide self-directed learning hours.
※Researchers from NCHU who participate in the entire course and obtain a workshop certificate can submit a copy of the certificate to the Academic Development Division of the Research and Development Office for record. Two hours of academic ethics education hours at NCHU will be credited.