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  • 【臺綜大獎勵案/ The Taiwan Comprehensive University System Incentive Program】113年「年輕學者創新研發成果選拔」申請案,校內截止日期113年5月9日 (The application deadline for the 'Young Scholars' Innovative Research and Development Achievement Competition' for the year 113 is May 9th,12:00PM)

【臺綜大獎勵案/ The Taiwan Comprehensive University System Incentive Program】113年「年輕學者創新研發成果選拔」申請案,校內截止日期113年5月9日 (The application deadline for the 'Young Scholars' Innovative Research and Development Achievement Competition' for the year 113 is May 9th,12:00PM)

刊登日期:2024 年 03 月 12 日
獎勵申請公告:113年臺綜大系統年輕學者創新研發成果選拔申請案 Awarding Announcement: The Taiwan Comprehensive University System awarding innovative R&D Achievement for Young Scholars Application
一、申請期限:即日起至5月9日中午12點(校內截止期限)。 1.Application Period: From now to May 9th, 2024. Deadline at School: 12:00 PM
2. Qualified candidates:
The full-time/program faculty (including full-time/program associate professors, full time/program assistant professors, and postdoctoral researchers) below the level of associate professor who have received their doctoral degree less than 12 years (including) and the doctoral students are to be selected according to the “Taiwan Comprehensive University System Regulations Governing the Selection of Innovative Research and Development Achievements by Young Scholars”. There are two groups for competition: (1). Full-time/program associate professors and assistant professors. (2). Postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students.
3. Awarding items:
(1). Group of full-time/program associate professors and assistant professors.
(a) Outstanding award: a prize of NTD 70,000, a medal and a certificate in both Chinese and English.
(b) Excellence award: a prize of NTD 40,000, a medal and a certificate in both Chinese and English.
(c) Honorable Masterpiece award: a prize of NTD 20,000, a medal and a certificate in both Chinese and English.
(2). Group of postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students
(a) Outstanding award: a prize of NTD 40,000, a medal and a certificate in both Chinese and English.
(b) Excellence award: a prize of NTD 30,000, a medal and a certificate in both Chinese and English.
(c) Honorable award: a prize of NTD 20,000, a medal and a certificate in both Chinese and English.
(3) Evaluation Method: The Taiwan Comprehensive University System will form a review panel to conduct initial screening of written submissions. Qualified candidates will then undergo a presentation-based review.
How to Apply:
Please submit one electronic copy (in both Word and PDF formats) of the "Application Form" (signed), "Summary of Innovative Research Achievement" and Participation Letter" (signed) to the Research and Development Office of our school. The electronic files (in both Word and PDF formats) should be sent to yhchang110@nchu.edu.tw.
五、本校承辦人:研究發展處張雅惠小姐,校內分機580#106電子信箱yhchang110@nchu.edu.tw Person in charge:
Ms. Ya-Hui Chang at the R&D Office.
Tel:04-22840580, ext.  106
The above information is also posted on NCHU homepage under "Latest News"