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  • 【臺綜大計畫申請案/ Application for the Taiwan Comprehensive University Proposals】114年「人文及社會科學跨校合作計畫」申請案,校內截止114年3月3日 (The deadline for submitting applications for the “Humanities and Social Sciences Inter-School Research Project”in the year 114 (2025) is March 3

【臺綜大計畫申請案/ Application for the Taiwan Comprehensive University Proposals】114年「人文及社會科學跨校合作計畫」申請案,校內截止114年3月3日 (The deadline for submitting applications for the “Humanities and Social Sciences Inter-School Research Project”in the year 114 (2025) is March 3

刊登日期:2025 年 02 月 03 日
計畫申請公告:臺綜大114年人文及社會科學跨校合作計畫 Project Application Announcement: Taiwan Comprehensive University System’s 2025 “Humanities and Social Sciences Inter-School Research Project”
一、校內申請截止時間:即日起至3月3日中午12點。 1.Application Deadline: From now until 12 PM on March 3 (internal school deadline)
2. Eligibility for Application:
Full-time faculty members at the level of assistant professor or above, at one of the universities in the Taiwan Comprehensive University System (National Cheng Kung University, National Sun Yat-Sen University, National Chung Hsing University, and National Chung Cheng University), as well as attending physicians, full-time associate researcher (or equivalent) and above.
3.1團隊成員須至少橫跨 2 校。
3.Application Guidelines:
3.1 Member composition:
Team members must be from at least two different schools. within the Taiwan Comprehensive University System.
3.2Project Scope:
The project themes must fall within the field of "Humanities and Social Sciences." Expected performance indicators (KPIs) include outcomes such as collaborative publications across schools, book publications, or the organization of academic activities such as workshops and conferences.
3.3 Grant Funding:
Each approved project may receive a maximum grant of NT$100,000. Funding is primarily intended to cover expenses related to the research.
Please read the funding guidelines carefully before applying.
4.Application Method:
Please send the completed and approved application documents (both electronic and two hard copies) to the R&D Office at NCHU. Please send the electronic files to yhchang110@nchu.edu.tw
五、本校承辦人:研究發展處張雅惠小姐,校內分機580#106,電子信箱yhchang110@nchu.edu.tw 5.Person in charge:
Ms. Ya-Hui Chang at the R&D Office at NCHU
Tel:04-22840580, ext.  106
六、檢附本案徵案公告函、申請文件及要點各1份 6. Attached are one copy each of the call-for-proposals announcement letter, application documents, and guidelines for this case.