【補助申請Subsidy Application】國科會人社中心113年度「補助學術期刊開放取用暨數位傳播」(RIHSS Subsidy Digital Distribution and Open Access of Academic Journals),2024年2月1日至2月29日止。
刊登日期:2024 年 02 月 16 日國科會人社中心113年度「補助學術期刊開放取用暨數位傳播」申請案 | RIHSS Subsidy Digital Distribution and Open Access of Academic Journals |
一、受理日期:2024年2月1日至2月29日(以郵戳為憑) | 1. Acceptance Period: February 1 to February 29, 2024 (Verified by postmark) |
二、申請方式: 1.期刊主編經所屬發行單位寄發紙本公文。 2.於業務頁面填寫線上申請表及上傳備審資料。 ※發文者須為機關學校、研究機構或學術團體。 |
2. Application Methods: (1) Journal editors receive a hard copy of the official document sent by their affiliated publishing unit. (2) Fill out the online application form and upload the necessary documents on the business webpage. ※The applicant must be a government agency, educational institution, research organization, or academic group. |
三、申請類型:請擇一申請。 1.開放取用:補助尚未完成開放之期刊單位於自有之期刊網站或是「臺灣學術期刊開放取用平台」上發行且提供免費取用全文。 2.數位傳播:補助期刊單位運用數位傳播方式提升學術研究成果之能見度。 |
3. Types of Applications: Please choose one type of application: (1) Open Access: Subsidy for journal units that have not yet completed open access, distributing and providing free access to the full text on their own journal website or the "Taiwan Academic Journals Open Access Platform." (2) Digital Communication: Subsidy for journal units using digital communication methods to enhance the visibility of academic research outcomes. |
四、申請資格: 1.近三年曾提出「期刊評比收錄」申請之臺灣發行期刊。 2.須未獲國科會補助學術性團體之經費。 |
4. Eligibility: (1) Taiwan-based journals that have applied for "Journal Ranking and Inclusion" in the past three years. (2) Must not have received funding from the National Science Council for academic groups. |
五、詳細作業要點、線上申請及相關須知等資訊,請詳閱國科會人社中心補助學術期刊開放取用暨數位傳播網頁說明。 | 4. Please refer to the RIHSS webpage instructions for detailed operational guidelines, online application, and relevant information. |
The information above is also posted on NCHU homepage under "Latest News."