【獎項申請Application for Awards】「陳垣崇院士年輕學者獎」申請,校內截止日113年11月8日(五)下午5時前。Application for " Academician Chen Yuan-Tsong Young Scholar Award ", The internal deadline is Nov 8th (Friday) before 5:00 P.M, 2024.
刊登日期:2024 年 09 月 12 日台灣藥物基因體學會 | The Pharmacogenomics Society of Taiwan |
校內截止日: 請符合資格擬申請之教研人員填寫校內推薦表(如附件)並完成校內推薦程序後,併同申請資料及推薦表等紙本(正本,請勿裝訂)於113年11月8日(五)下午5時前送達研發處學術組彙整。俟簽請鈞長同意推薦後,函送基金會申請。 |
Internal Deadline: Qualified faculty and researchers who intend to apply should fill out the internal recommendation form (as attached) and complete the internal recommendation procedure. The application materials and the recommendation letter (in paper, unbound) by 5:00 p.m on November 8, 2024 (Friday) must be submitted to the Academic Development Division of the Research and Development Office. After obtaining approval, the application will be sent to the foundation by the school. |
申請資訊及申請表,請詳閱學會網頁公告。 https://www.pgst.org.tw/news_detail?id=281 |
For detailed information on the application and the application form, please refer to the announcement on the association's website. https://www.pgst.org.tw/news_detail?id=281 |