【獎項申請/Awards】教育部第69屆學術獎受理申請,校內截止送件:113年12月13日中午12時。Application open for MOE69th Annual Academic Awards. Application deadline is October 13, 2024, 12 pm.
刊登日期:2024 年 10 月 30 日一、教育部第69屆學術獎申請案,自113年11月1日起至113年12月31日止受理推薦。 二、有意申請者請於113年12月13日中午12時前將相關資料送達研發處學術組俾憑辦理。 三、受限於同一類科申請人至多以4人為限。本校同一類科申請人數若超過4人,由研發處邀請校長召開校內審查會議決議推薦報部人選。 四、推薦書表格請至教育部電子布告欄下載。 |
1. Applications for the 69th Academic Awards of the Ministry of Education will be accepted for recommendation by the university from November 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024. Although the MOE deadline is at the end of the year, please note that university’s application deadline is December 13, 2024. 2. Application must be submitted to the university’s Research & Development Office before December 13, 2024. 3. Applicants for the same Field are limited to 4 at most. If there are more than 4 applicants for the same field, the R&D Office will invite the President to hold a selection meeting to recommend the candidates. 4. Please download the recommendation form from the MOE website. |