【計畫徵求Program Application】台綜大跨校短期研究計畫,校內申請截止日為113年4月10日中午12時止. / Application open for TCUS Encouraging Cross-University Short-Term Collaborative Research. Application deadline is noon of Apr 10, 2024.
刊登日期:2024 年 03 月 19 日
1. Any short-term collaborative research carried out in compliance with the aforementioned provision shall encompass the following:
(I) Research projects
(II) Research and development of specific technologies
2.The duration of short-term collaborative research shall be between two to six months.
3.The following items are eligible for incentives
(I) Incentives: Up to NT$30,000 per month and up to NT$60,000 for the duration of the collaborative research.
(II) Research materials, data collection, and other related expenses: Up to NT$20,000 per month and up to NT$100,000 for the duration of the collaborative research.
4. The terms and conditions forTCUS Encouraging Cross-University Short-Term Collaborative Research and application form is enclosed.
5. Application form (2 paper copy and 1 CD) be submitted before noon of April 10, 2024.
The information provided above is also available on the NCHU homepage under the "Latest News" section.
(I) Research projects
(II) Research and development of specific technologies
2.The duration of short-term collaborative research shall be between two to six months.
3.The following items are eligible for incentives
(I) Incentives: Up to NT$30,000 per month and up to NT$60,000 for the duration of the collaborative research.
(II) Research materials, data collection, and other related expenses: Up to NT$20,000 per month and up to NT$100,000 for the duration of the collaborative research.
4. The terms and conditions forTCUS Encouraging Cross-University Short-Term Collaborative Research and application form is enclosed.
5. Application form (2 paper copy and 1 CD) be submitted before noon of April 10, 2024.
The information provided above is also available on the NCHU homepage under the "Latest News" section.