【申請Application】荷蘭萊頓大學2025-2026臺灣研究計畫講座教授徵聘,申請期限114年2月15日止。Professorial Fellowship for the Chair of Taiwan Studies at Leiden University and the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS). APPLICATION DEADLINE: 15 FEBRUARY 2025.
刊登日期:2025 年 01 月 17 日駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處教育組 | Education Division Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium |
計畫內容:教育部國際及兩岸教育司與荷蘭萊頓大學雙方為於荷蘭發展推廣臺灣研究,訂定此合作計畫。 申請資格:臺灣所有大專校院或研究機構專業教學及研 究人士。 特別提醒:另請依本校教師出國講學研究或進修辦法辦理校內行政程序。 |
Program Details: The Ministry of Education's Department of International and Cross-Strait Education and Leiden University in the Netherlands have jointly established this collaborative program to promote and develop Taiwan Studies in the Netherlands. Eligibility: All professional teaching and research personnel from universities, colleges, or research institutions in Taiwan. Special Reminder: Applicants are also required to follow the internal administrative procedures stipulated in the university's regulations for faculty overseas lectures, research, or advanced studies. |
詳細資訊,請詳閱IIAS網站公告說明 https://www.iias.asia/professorial-fellowship-chair-taiwan-studies-leiden-university-and-iias | For more details, please refer to the announcement on the IIAS website:https://www.iias.asia/professorial-fellowship-chair-taiwan-studies-leiden-university-and-iias |