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  • 【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】教育部國家重點領域國際合作聯盟(UAAT)與九州沖繩開放大學(KOOU) 工程領域國際合作子計畫徵件說明

【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】教育部國家重點領域國際合作聯盟(UAAT)與九州沖繩開放大學(KOOU) 工程領域國際合作子計畫徵件說明

刊登日期:2024 年 07 月 18 日

教育部國家重點領域國際合作聯盟(UAAT)與九州沖繩開放大學(KOOU) 工程領域國際合作子計畫徵件說明

(一) Smart Manufacturing Technology
(二) Sustainable Development and Technology
(三) Autonomous Vehicle and Robot
(四) Marine Technology and Sciences 
三、申請資格限制:以雙方之專任教學研究人員為限,每個子計畫應由 2 所以 上 UAAT 學校,以及至少 1 所 KOOU 學校參與。
四、補助經費:每個子計畫補助新台幣 200 萬元為原則,實際補助金額視入選 子計畫數量及規模而定。 
五、媒合平台:有媒合需求者,可至 https://forms.gle/xkm3nj7Et36pQoxH6 填寫 資料,資訊將於一個工作天內刊登於 https://reurl.cc/Wx6zm7
六、請依附件計畫書範本格式提出,以英文書寫,並於 113 年 8 月 15 日前將電 子檔寄送至 erica@g-mail.nsysu.edu.tw 
七、計畫期間:原則上自 113 年 12 月 1 日起,114 年 11 月 30 日止,執行期間 為一年。 
八、入選之子計畫,除根據評審意見完成修正計畫書外,須與召集學校共同完 成整合型計畫書後經由 UAAT 秘書處提交教育部審查。
九、本案承辦人:國立中山大學研發處薛蓉蓉組員,聯絡電話(07)525-2000 分 機 2664,電子信箱:erica@g-mail.nsysu.edu.tw

Collaboration Project for University Academic Alliance in Taiwan (UAAT) & Kyushu-Okinawa Open University (KOOU) Call for Proposals for Subprojects in International Collaboration in the Field of Engineering 

  1. Types of Projects: "Research Projects," "Talent Cultivation Projects," or "Compounded Projects."
  2. Research Areas:
    • Smart Manufacturing Technology
    • Sustainable Development and Technology
    • Autonomous Vehicle and Robot
    • Marine Technology and Sciences
  3. Applicant Qualifications: Applicants must be full-time and certified faculty members or researchers from both sides. Each sub-project must be involved a minimum of 2 UAAT member institutions and at least 1 KOOU institution.
  4. Scale of grant funds: Each subproject will be granted a principle amount of NT$ 2 million, with the actual grant amount subject to the number and scale of selected subprojects.
  5. Matching Platform: Researchers interested in participating in the project can fill out their information at https://forms.gle/xkm3nj7Et36pQoxH6. Information will be published at https://reurl.cc/Wx6zm7 by the next working day.
  6. Application Method: Applicants must send the proposal in English in the format specified in the attached application form to erica@g-mail.nsysu.edu.tw by August 15, 2024.
  7. Funding Period: The project is scheduled to commence from December 1, 2024, and will conclude on November 30, 2025, with an execution period of one year.
  8. Subprojects selected for funding should revise their proposals based on the reviewers' comments and collaborate with the leading university to finalize an integrated project proposal. This integrated proposal will then be submitted to the UAAT Secretariat for further review by the Ministry of Education.
  1. If you have any questions, please contact Erica Hsueh from Office of Research and Development, National Sun Yat-sen University at +886 7 525 2000 extension 2664 or erica@g-mail.nsysu.edu.tw









