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  • 【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】國科會114年度補助「延攬研究學者暨執行專題研究計畫」(校內申請截止時間:113年10月29日上午10:00) “Recruiting research scholars and implementing research projects” from the NSTC (The internal deadline: Oct. 29, 2024, 10:00 AM)

【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】國科會114年度補助「延攬研究學者暨執行專題研究計畫」(校內申請截止時間:113年10月29日上午10:00) “Recruiting research scholars and implementing research projects” from the NSTC (The internal deadline: Oct. 29, 2024, 10:00 AM)

刊登日期:2024 年 08 月 21 日
  1. 委辦/補助單位:國家科學及技術委員會
  1. Funding institution: National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
  1. 計畫主題:114年度補助「延攬研究學者暨執行專題研究計畫」
  1. Project topic: Recruiting research scholars and implementing research projects
  1. 校內申請截止時間:113年10月29日上午10時
  1. The internal deadline: Oct. 29, 2024, 10:00 AM
  1. 申請方式:申請人請務必先更新個人基本資料C301表,再依「國家科學及技術委員會補助延攬研究學者暨執行專題研究計畫作業要點」(如附件2)及申請作業說明(如附件3),於校內申請截止日前至國科會系統完成線上申請作業後,立即填寫「國立中興大學申請國科會研究計畫主持人學術倫理聲明書」(如附件4)送至研發處計畫業務組,俾利彙整並造冊函送國科會辦理申請事宜。
  1. How to apply: Applicants must first update their personal information on Form C301. Following that, according to the "Guidelines for the National Science and Technology Council's Subsidy for Recruiting Research Scholars and Implementing Research Projects" (see Attachment 2) and the application instructions (see Attachment 3), complete the online application process in the NSTC system before the internal deadline. Immediately after, fill out the " National Chung Hsing University's Academic Ethics Statement for Application to the National Science Council Research Project Director " (see Attachment 4) and submit it to the Project Affairs Division, Research and Development Office.
  1. 有關申請所需「申請機構完成審查程序之相關證明文件」,請參用「國立中興大學申請國科會補助延攬研究學者暨執行專題研究計畫校內審查表」(如附件5),並請務必事先洽詢所屬申請單位(系、所、中心),俾利申請單位(系、所、中心)安排相關會議審查
  1. Regarding the "related proof documents for the completion of the review process by the applying institution," please refer to the "National Chung Hsing University Internal Review Form for NSTC Subsidy for Recruiting Research Scholars and Implementing Research Projects" (see Attachment 5). Additionally, be sure to consult with your respective applying unit in advance to facilitate the arrangement of the necessary review meetings.
  1. 其他相關規定詳如申請作業說明及國科會網站
  1. For other related regulations, please refer to the application instructions and the NSTC website.









