日期 | 文件標題 | 說明 | 檔案下載 |
2024-10-07 |
執行計畫配合款經費申請表(Application form for Matching Funds to Execute Projects Partially Funded by Outside Sources ) |
線上申請(online apply only) | |
2024-10-07 |
學生出國競賽申請表(Application form for students to get subsidy to go abroad for competition) |
線上申請(online apply only) | |
2024-10-07 |
學生出席國際會議申請表 (Application form for subsidize students to attend international conferences) |
線上申請(online apply only) | |
2024-10-07 |
支援學術申請表-主辦國際性或全國性學術會議/學術活動/國外學術機關、姐妹校師生研習活動(For Organizing International or National Academic Conferences, Academic Activities, or Training Programs with Overseas Academic Institutions or Partner Universities) |
線上申請(Online apply only) | |
2024-10-07 |
支援學術申請表-國外專家學者在本校學術活動 (Participation of International Expert or Scholar in NCHU Academic Activities) |
線上申請(online apply only) | |
2024-10-07 |
支援學術申請表-期刊論文刊登費 (Journal Paper Publication Fees) |
線上申請(Online apply only) | |
2024-10-07 |
新進教師教學及研究經費補助申請表(Application form for Teaching/Research Subsidy Application) |
線上申請(online apply only) | |
2024-10-07 |
激勵年輕優秀人才獎助申請表(Application form for research financial assistance by young talented researchers) |
線上申請(online apply only) |