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  • 【獎項申請Application for Awards】衛福部食藥署113年度「國家藥物科技研究發展獎」自公告日起至113年6月28日止受理申請。Taiwan FDA National Pharmaceutical Technology & Research Development Award, NPRDA. Applications will be accepted from the date of announcement until June 28, 2024.

【獎項申請Application for Awards】衛福部食藥署113年度「國家藥物科技研究發展獎」自公告日起至113年6月28日止受理申請。Taiwan FDA National Pharmaceutical Technology & Research Development Award, NPRDA. Applications will be accepted from the date of announcement until June 28, 2024.

刊登日期:2024 年 03 月 21 日
一、凡符合「藥物科技研究發展獎勵辦法」第4條或「醫療器材創新科技研究發展獎勵辦法」第3條獎勵條件之藥物製造廠、醫療器材商及從事藥物研發或醫療器材創新科技研究之自然人、法人、學校、機構或團體,請於113年6月28日下午5時前,檢具申請資料及相關文件,郵寄至「231新北市新店區北新路三段205-2號8樓 國家藥物科技研究發展獎工作小組收」,以郵戳為憑,逾期不予受理。

1.Qualified applicants who intend to apply are kindly requested to prepare the application materials and relevant documents, and mail them directly to "8F., No. 205-1, Sec. 3, Beixin Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 231 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)" before 5:00 PM on June 28, 2024. Applications will be accepted based on the postmark; late submissions will not be considered.
2.For details regarding the incentive measures, application guidelines, and application document formats, please refer to the Taiwan FDA website under "Announcements" or the dedicated section for the "National Pharmaceutical Technology & Research Development Award, NPRDA" (http://www.fda.gov.tw/tc/siteList.aspx?sid=8917) for downloading.






