【獎項申請Application for Awards】財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會「2024台灣傑出永續青年獎」徵選活動,校內截止日為2024年5月24日(五)中午12時前。Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) "2024 Young Sustainability Leadership Awards", The internal deadline is May 24th (Friday) before 12:00 PM, 2024.
刊登日期:2024 年 04 月 10 日如欲由學校推薦申請者,請填寫校內推薦表(如附檔),併同報名表與推薦表等資料各1份(紙本,請勿裝訂)於113年5月24日(五)中午12時前送至本組彙整,俟簽請鈞長同意推薦及用印後,辦理推薦表正本函送申請,另報名資料檢還申請者於報名期限內(113年5月31日(五))逕行完成線上報名。
一、本獎徵選目的係為表揚青年善盡社會責任,推動台灣邁向永續發展,鼓勵產、官、學、研等各界之青年積極從環境 保護、社會共融及經濟發展等角度為永續發展做出貢獻。
(一)年齡齡40歲以下 (出生日期在1984年1月1日以後) 之中華民國國民或取得我國居留許可之外國人。
(二)發揮專業能力、結合社會資源,長期投入與公司治理、 環境保護及社會共融等永續發展相關之企業經營、公益 機構、社會倡議、教育研究或科技創新等工作者均可免費報名。
五、本徵選活動詳細資訊、報名表格與推薦表等,請逕上官網活動訊息查詢及下載(https://tcsaward.org.tw/tw/news/index/420),或洽活動聯絡人:章先生, (02) 2769-8968#202 。
2.Application Deadline and Method: From now until May 31, 2024 (Friday), complete the online registration within the specified period (https://tcsaward.org.tw/tw/news/index/420), and mail one original copy of the paper recommendation form to the Secretariat of the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards. The date will be determined by the postmark.
3.For detailed information, application forms, and recommendation forms, please visit the official website for event updates and downloads (https://tcsaward.org.tw/tw/news/index/420).
Please submit one copy each of the in-school recommendation form (as attached), recommendation letter, and application materials (in paper, unbound) by 12:00 PM on May 24, 2024 to the Academic Development Division of the Research and Development Office. After obtaining the required signatures for recommendation and approval, and affixing the necessary seals, the recommendation letter will be sent to the foundation by the school. Applicants are required to complete the online application within the application period (by May 31, 2024).
1.Eligibility: Citizens of the Republic of China aged 40 or below (born on or after January 1, 1984), or foreigners holding residence permits in Taiwan.
2.Application Deadline and Method: From now until May 31, 2024 (Friday), complete the online registration within the specified period (https://tcsaward.org.tw/tw/news/index/420), and mail one original copy of the paper recommendation form to the Secretariat of the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards. The date will be determined by the postmark.
3.For detailed information, application forms, and recommendation forms, please visit the official website for event updates and downloads (https://tcsaward.org.tw/tw/news/index/420).