【獎項申請Application for Awards】行政院性別平等處「2024年APEC健康女性、健康經濟體研究獎」,校內截止日為2024年5月10日(五)下午5時前。GEC of Executive Yuan "2024 APEC Healthy Women, Healthy Economies Research Prize", The internal deadline is May 10th (Friday) before 17:00 PM, 2024.
刊登日期:2024 年 04 月 11 日
7、獎勵:首獎獎金為20,000美元,第二名與第三名獎金為5,000美元;倘得獎者為政府官員,則獎金將轉贈予非營利團體Healthy Women,或由得獎者指定轉贈予特定非營利組織。
The winner will receive USD 20,000 and their research will be featured at a ceremony during the Third APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting in Lima, Peru. The two runners-up will receive USD 5,000 each.
For detailed information please visit the official website:https://www.apec.org/press/news-releases/2024/applications-open-for-apec-s-healthy-women-research-prize
Please submit one copy each of the in-school recommendation form (as attached), recommendation letter, and application materials (in paper, unbound) by 17:00 PM on May 10, 2024 to the Academic Development Division of the Research and Development Office. After obtaining the required signatures for recommendation and approval, and affixing the necessary seals. Applicants for data return are requested to send the materials directly to the organizer's email inbox (HWHE@accesspartnership.com) by the application deadline of May 17, 2024 (Friday).
The annual prize recognizes research that enables policymakers, business leaders and other stakeholders to shape policies that will further boost women’s full economic participation. It aims to encourage the creation of sex-disaggregated data and gender-based research within APEC member economies. The initiative was launched in 2019 and is supported by Merck.
Interested candidates may access the application form through this link. The application deadline is Friday, 17 May 2024.
Applicants for the 2024 APEC Healthy Women, Healthy Economies Research Prize can be individuals or teams, with the stipulation that one official participant be from an APEC member economy.
Applicants do not need to come from academia as long as the research is evidence-based and addresses at least one of the pillars outlined in the Healthy Women, Healthy Economies Policy Toolkit:
1.Workplace health and safety
2.Health awareness and access
3.Sexual and reproductive health
4.Gender-based violence
5.Work/life balance
The winner will receive USD 20,000 and their research will be featured at a ceremony during the Third APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting in Lima, Peru. The two runners-up will receive USD 5,000 each.
For detailed information please visit the official website:https://www.apec.org/press/news-releases/2024/applications-open-for-apec-s-healthy-women-research-prize