【獎勵申請Application for Awards】本校「學術研究績效獎勵」自即日起受理申請,請於5月27日完成線上申請作業,並檢附相關資料於5月31日前送達研發處學術發展組。NCHU Regulations for Academic Research Incentives- Award Application,Online deadline May 27.,Deadline for paper copies is May 31
刊登日期:2024 年 05 月 02 日受理申請113年度學術研究績效獎勵 | National Chung Hsing University Regulations for Academic Research Incentives |
1.申請資格 本辦法針對本校專任(含專案)、兼任、合聘、客座及研究人員(含博士後研究人員),且以本校為所屬學術機構產出之前一年度已正式出版學術研究績效給予獎勵。 兼任講座教授另依本校「兼任特約講座教授論文獎勵辦法」辦理。 |
1. qualifications: The scope of the Regulations includes incentives offered to full-time, part-time, co-appointed, visiting, and research personnel (including contract hires and postdoctoral researchers of the University who published academic research in the preceding year in affiliation with the University. Adjunct Chair professors shall be subject to National Chung Hsing University Regulations for Rewarding Adjunct Chair Professor’s Research Publication |
2.獎勵類別: 本(113)年受理112年1月1日至12月31日已正式出版之學術研究績效,包含下列八大類: (1)一般期刊論文(含SCIE期刊、SSCI期刊、A&HCI期刊、SCOPUS資料庫TOP 10%期刊)。 (2)人文社會科學領域優良期刊論文及專書論文。 (3)學術專書。 (4)論文引用表現(含十年內HiCi論文、十年內H-index論文、五年內單篇論文被引用次數表現及 FWCI 指數)。 (5)論文總量。 (6)校外合作論文。 (7)個人研究進步獎。 (8)指導國家科學及技術委員會大專學生研究計畫獲研究創作獎。 |
2. Reward categories: This year (2024) will accept academic research performance that has been officially published from January 1 to December 31, 2023, including the following eight categories:
3.受理日期及申請方式: 自即日起至5/27止(本校學研網線上申請),並於5/31前將紙本申請表(經相關單位蓋章)及論文電子檔送達研發處學術發展組 請參考附件2 備註: 專任教師及博後需同時完成線上及紙本申請作業, 兼任、合聘、客座人員僅以紙本方式申請。 |
3. Acceptance date and application method: From now until May 27 (online application on the school’s academic research website), the paper application form (stamped by the relevant unit) and the electronic file of the paper should be sent to the Academic Development Group of the Research and Development Office before May 31 (Please refer to attachment 2) Remark: Full-time teachers and postdocs need to complete online and paper application tasks at the same time. Part-time, jointly employed, and guest personnel can only apply in paper form. |
4.詳細獎勵辦法及申請流程,請詳閱本網頁各項附件。 受理公文 附件1--學術研究績效獎勵辦法 附件2--專任(案)教師/博士後研究員(申請流程) 附件3--兼任、合聘、客座教授 (申請流程) 附件4--學術專書獎勵(申請流程) 附件5--SCOPUS資料庫收錄之企業界名單 附件6--SCOPUS資料庫收錄之TOP 10%期刊論文名單 附件7-本校人文社會科學領域優良期刊名單 附件8-本校HiCi論文名單 附件9-本校H-index論文名單 附件10-本校單篇論文前五年被引次數百分位值清單 附件11-FWCI指數查詢 附件12-學術專書獎勵初審申請表 附件13-學術專書獎勵外審委員審查意見書 附件14-學術專書貢獻比例證明書 附件15-(兼任、合聘、客座教授)學術研究績效獎勵申請表 附件16-常見問題(QA) |
4. For detailed reward methods and application procedures, please read the attachments on this page. Accept official documents Attachment 1--Academic Research Performance Reward Measures Attachment 2--Full-time (Project) Teacher/Postdoctoral Researcher (Application Process) Attachment 3--Part-time, jointly appointed, visiting professor (application process) Attachment 4--Academic Book Awards (Application Process) Attachment 5--List of business sectors included in the SCOPUS database Attachment 6--List of TOP 10% journal articles included in the SCOPUS database Attachment 7 - List of excellent journals in the field of humanities and social sciences of our school Attachment 8 - List of HiCi papers of our school Attachment 9-List of H-index papers of our school Attachment 10 - List of percentile citations of single papers in our school in the past five years Attachment 11-FWCI index query Attachment 12-Application form for preliminary review of academic book awards Attachment 13 - Review Opinions of the External Review Committee for Academic Book Awards Attachment 14-Certificate of Contribution Proportion of Academic Books Attachment 15-(Part-time, Joint, Visiting Professor) Academic Research Performance Award Application Form Attachment 16 - Frequently Asked Questions (QA) |
5.本案聯絡人: 研發處學術組楊小姐 校內分機550轉303 Email:liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw |
5.Contact information: National Chung Hsing University the Division of Academic Development at the Office of Research and Development (Ms. Li-Ying Yang) E-mail:liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw |