【獎勵申請Application for Awards】本校「兼任特約講座教授論文獎勵」自即日起受理申請,6月1日截止。NCHU Regulations for Rewarding Adjunct Chair Professor’s Research Publication ,Deadline June 1
刊登日期:2024 年 05 月 01 日國立中興大學「兼任特約講座教授論文獎勵辦法」 | National Chung Hsing University Regulations for Rewarding Adjunct Chair Professor’s Research Publication |
1.受理日期及申請方式:自即日起至6月1日止受理申請,將申請表及每篇論文電子檔email至研發處學術發展組楊小姐。 | 1. Acceptance Period &Application Method: (1)Applications will be accepted from now until June 1. (2)Applicants must submit the application form along with the electronic version of the paper(s) to the Division of Academic Development at the Office of Research and Development |
2.申請規定:本(113)年度受理112年1月1日至12月31日已正式出版之學術研究績效(包含SCIE期刊、SSCI期刊、A&HCI期刊)之獎勵申請,且本校為申請人所屬學術機構之一。 發表頂尖論文:刊登於科學(SCIENCE)及自然(NATURE)期刊,或同等級以上之國際頂尖學術期刊(即論文期刊影響係數(IF)Impact Factor≧30),另依據本校「學術研究績效獎勵辦法」第四條第一款辦理。 |
2.Applications for awards for academic research performance (including SCIE, SSCI, and A&HCI journals) published from January 1 of year 112 to December 31 of year 113 are accepted for this academic year. The applicant's institution is one of the academic institutions affiliated with our university. .For papers published in Science, Nature, or in a journal with an impact factor equal or above 30, please apply for the Top Journal publication Rewards (refer to Subparagraph 1, Article 4 of the Regulations Governing the National Chung Hsing University Academic Research Excellence Awards) |
3、每篇論文以獎勵一次為限,多人共同著作應自行協調,由一人提出申請。 | 3.Each paper can only be awarded once. If more than two faculty members of NCHU are listed as co-authors, the authors should decide who will apply for the reward (priority are usually given to the correspondent author or first author of the paper). |
4、檢附本校兼任特約講座教授論文獎勵辦法、中英文版法規、申請表各1份,如附件。 | 4.Enclosed are one copy each of the "National Chung Hsing University Regulations for Rewarding Adjunct Chair Professor’s Research Publication" of our university, bilingual versions of the regulations, and the application form, as attachments. |
5、聯絡方式 中興大學研發處學術發展組承辦人楊麗螢小姐 E-mail:liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw |
5.Contact information: National Chung Hsing University the Division of Academic Development at the Office of Research and Development (Ms. Li-Ying Yang) E-mail:liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw |