【補助申請Subsidy Application】國科會人社中心「跨領域研究計畫之前置規劃案」,全年開放受理申請。RIHSS subsidy Pre-Proposals for Multidisciplinary Research Projects accepting applications throughout the year.
刊登日期:2024 年 03 月 01 日國科會人社中心「跨領域研究計畫之前置規劃案」 | RIHSS Subsidy Pre-Proposals for Multidisciplinary Research Projects |
一、申請注意事項: 1.申請時間:請於規劃案擬開始執行日三個月前向國科會人社中心提出申請,隨到隨審。 2.申請資格:應由具申請國科會專題研究計畫資格之學者擔任召集人(以人文社會科學領域學者為優先)。 3.成果考核:執行期滿後須繳交結案報告並向國科會申請整合型專題研究計畫。 |
1. Application Methods: (1) Application Timeline: Please submit your application to RIHSS three months prior to the planned commencement date of the project. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. (2) Eligibility: The principal investigator should be a scholar with qualifications for applying to NSTC project research program, with preference given to scholars in the field of humanities and social sciences. (3) Performance Evaluation: Upon completion of the project, a final report must be submitted, and an application for an integrated project research program from NSTC should be made. |
二、詳細作業要點、線上申請等資訊,請詳閱國科會人社中心跨領域研究計畫之前置規劃案網頁說明。 | 2. Please refer to the RIHSS webpage instructions for detailed operational guidelines, online application, and relevant information. |