【獎助申請Funding Program】「第14屆台達企業環境倫理研究獎助」教師國外研究進修徵選計畫,校內截止日為113年5月10(五)下午5時前。The 14th Delta Corporate Environmental Ethics Grant, the internal deadline is May 10th (Friday) before 5:00 PM.
刊登日期:2024 年 03 月 01 日※如欲請校長推薦申請者,請填寫校內推薦表(附件),並連同完整申請文件各1份於113年5月10日(星期五)下午5時前送至研發處學術組彙整(請勿裝訂),俟簽請校長同意推薦及用印後,資料檢還申請者再自行郵寄申請。
四、申請書下載網址: https://reurl.cc/QejDm0
五、聯絡窗口:周先生 02-27557666#90248;email:;cbeea@cbeea.org.tw
六、相關申請資訊,請詳閱 中華企業倫理教育協進會官網 最新消息
1.Application Time and Method: From now until May 20, 2024. Application documents (three sets in hard copy) should be mailed to the Chinese Business Ethics Education Association, 9F NO.100, Sec5. Sinyi Rd., Sinyi District, Taipei City 110, Taiwan, R.O.C, marked "Delta Corporate Environmental Ethics Grant." Electronic files should be emailed to cbeea@cbeea.org.tw.
2.Application form download link: https://reurl.cc/QejDm0
3.For relevant application information, please refer to the latest news on the official website of the Chinese Business Ethics Education Association.
※Please submit one copy each of the internal recommendation form (as attached) and the application documents (unbound) to the Academic Development Division of the Research and Development Office by 5:00 PM on Friday, May 10, 2024. Once the recommendation is approved and stamped, the documents will be returned to the applicant for mail application.
Since 2011, Delta has cooperated with the Chinese Business Ethics Education Association to provide Delta Corporate Environmental Ethics Grant. It sponsors college professors to conduct their short-term oversea studies relevant to business ethics and environmental sustainability.
1.Application Time and Method: From now until May 20, 2024. Application documents (three sets in hard copy) should be mailed to the Chinese Business Ethics Education Association, 9F NO.100, Sec5. Sinyi Rd., Sinyi District, Taipei City 110, Taiwan, R.O.C, marked "Delta Corporate Environmental Ethics Grant." Electronic files should be emailed to cbeea@cbeea.org.tw.
2.Application form download link: https://reurl.cc/QejDm0
3.For relevant application information, please refer to the latest news on the official website of the Chinese Business Ethics Education Association.